Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

How did you meet your partner?

Wait what? She's getting married to someone else? Here I am thinking you guys are still together. So she's getting married soon, good for her. I hope you will be attending the wedding? 😃
Haha, we broke up like two years ago or there about, I think the relationship lasted for like four years. I admit I was abit immature then as well, but so was she and she really could not wait. I just finished school, still trying to get on my feet but she was too impatient, and another issue she brought up was that I was not always around, like she was literally schooling in another location, I don't have the funds to go see her every time. Anyways she didn't invite me for the wedding, so am gonna act like I know notting about it.
My partner just spawned in my life, now I know him for like 11 years and we dont know how we met
Went to the same school. I had to wait till our final year to actually approach her and years of secretly admiring her. It was so funny when I began telling her all those stories
This happened at my first job. He has been working there for a long time, and I just graduated from university and came as an intern. I think he noticed me right away, but only a week later we spoke to each other for the first time
I am not into it, I am still single but I am once a victim of fake love and we meet each other on the football stadium