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How Are You Feeling Today?

I am feeling tired today and in some pain.
I am feeling tired today and in some pain.

I'm sorry to hear about how you are feeling today. I hope that you will get a lot of rest which can help you to regain your strength back. As for the pain you are having, what have you been able to do about it? What's causing you the pain? Have you taken any pills?
Today is a very great day for me because this month I will receive 5 percent of my salary and also today I was given a day off because I worked very hard for a month. I have very good weather and therefore there is a great motivation to do something and study, and then you can have a good rest
Anyone who is working for any company in any capacity will always appreciate it whenever the company have given you a time off for you to rest simply because of how you have been dedicated in doing your work. As a human being, we all need rest in order for us to recover very well and do our job well.
I'm sorry to hear about how you are feeling today. I hope that you will get a lot of rest which can help you to regain your strength back. As for the pain you are having, what have you been able to do about it? What's causing you the pain? Have you taken any pills?
Thank you @Ja sa bong I suffer from fibromyalgia which tends to cause widespread pain and migraines. I am on medication for that which I take daily and have been given medication to help with the pain when it is at its worst. The days with flare-ups are the worst days for pain but taking it easy helps.

I have had a migraine today which has eased somewhat now, just hoping it stays away now.
I feel more better today than yesterday. I was down with a flu. It made it difficult for me to breath well but I'm getting better now.
Thank you @Ja sa bong I suffer from fibromyalgia which tends to cause widespread pain and migraines. I am on medication for that which I take daily and have been given medication to help with the pain when it is at its worst. The days with flare-ups are the worst days for pain but taking it easy helps.

I have had a migraine today which has eased somewhat now, just hoping it stays away now.

I'm so sorry to hear that you are suffering from fibromyalgia. I don't have anything who's close to me that is suffering from fibromyalgia in order for me to know exactly how it feels from first experience being close with that person. I hope and pray it's something pills can treat permanently for you to be free.
A little tired, but otherwise good :) .
I am feeling tired today but I feel I have made a lot of progress on the tasks I had set myself today to do.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! :)
Even though I did not get enough sleep last night, I would say that I am feeling a lot better right now. But the only challenge I am having is how hot the weather have been with making it so uncomfortable and restless for me to get by today. I hope to get home soon so that I can take a cold bath in order for me to feel better.
Feeling slightly tired and aching today.
Hoping to feel better later.
I haven't had the best weekend myself but I have managed to continue as I hate not doing anything and love to keep myself busy.

Started with a fibromyalgia flare-up on Friday and am still feeling somewhat unwell at the moment but slowly getting there, hoping tomorrow is a better day.
I am fresh and energetic. Slept enough and had good dreams.

I don't know whether I can ask for more.
If I am being honest, today I am feeling exhausted and don't actually feel like working at all, but I don't really have much of a choice. There are still so many things I need to sort out.
Today was a very difficult day and in the morning it was difficult for me to get out of bed, but in the evening I felt better because I took a walk in the fresh air and the desire to work returned to me. Therefore, I decided to do my online business as soon as possible and watch a cool movie later
I am tired today and have been dealing with a migraine too which is never nice. Hoping to get a good night's sleep tonight and that may help.
I have been feeling calm and less worried recently and today is not different. I see being happy as one of the ways that one can get to enjoy life and that is the main reason I work towards feeling happy everyday.

I wouldn't want a situation where I wake up feeling sad on an issue that I can't change.
Feeling good after a relaxing Sunday and hoping to have a great Monday week starting from today. May God bless everyone that is reading my comment.
I had a good day today. I had 2 nice phonecalls from a friend and I worked in my garden.
I am feeling tired today but I also feel I have had a productive day too so it's not been too much of a bad day.

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