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Home remedies for a stuffy nose

Face steaming is the best way to clear your stuffy nose. When you take face steam try to use herbs that will ease our condition. You can also drink hot lemonade, use honey instead of sugar for your lemonade. If you can, try inhaling warm water with a pinch of salt through your nostrils. This is very effective
I have used hot lemonade with honey in the past to treat my catarrh which worked very well. I would say that the honey made it more effective then when it would be only hot lemonade that I had taken. There are so many ways to treat stuffy nose, it's all about using the method which you like more.
Try steam inhalation by leaning over a bowl of hot water with a towel draped over your head to trap the vapors. You can also use a humidifier or take a steamy shower.
You can also try spicy food or just use ginger and garlic, it usually helps a lot.
Oh that's true though, I have actually come across certain persons who do not like spicy food at all.
I think Ginger tea helps and you can also try to get steam as it does helps in making you feel good when having issues of stuffy nose
Inhaling a steam of ginger and garlic does wonders to relieve a stuffy nose. You just have to keep inhaling it at intervals and within three to four hours of constantly doing that, the stuffy nose would be relieved.