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Home Improvement


Off The Mark

Sep 24, 2023
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No doubt that some of the most watched television programs these days have to do with home renovations. It’s fun to renovate and redesign the flow of a room (or a whole house!) to give it new life.

What home improvement projects have you taken on? How did it go?
At the moment I am in the process of taking the wallpaper off the walls in my hallway, stairs and landing and getting ready to repaint the whole area before moving to my living room to paint that as well all on colour and then attempt to find a colour that will work well as a feature wall.

Hoping to have it all done by Christmas :)
I'm going to have my whole house repainted next month. I'm thinking of going all white after visiting my classmate whose entire house was painted white. It looked so good, so I'm doing it with mine.
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At the moment, I've not done anything and I don't have any plans to do anything except for Christmas decoration I've already planned out 4 weeks ago.
I'm not the type of person who is into decoration too much. I love a simple house with a mild decoration. I'd be exasperated if the decorations is too much.
I try to make my home always look good. It doesn't matter if I'm not the house owner, I'll put it in the right shape it will look good and comfy for me to enjoy living there.
I try to make my home always look good. It doesn't matter if I'm not the house owner, I'll put it in the right shape it will look good and comfy for me to enjoy living there.
I love living the good life. I can't live in a house which isn't taken very good care of. I'm making money by working and the money which I have made, I'll use it to put where I'm living in a perfect condition. The banks won't be the one to enjoy my money. I'll use it for myself first.
I am thinking to add a couple of furniture in my room. I have a small room that I use as my home office. I work from my home office and attend visitors, if they have something to do with my work (clients and customers for example),in my room (as opposed to the sitting room). I am thinking to add a sofa and a table.
If it's about my furniture, I wouldn't have any need to spend more money on it because I went for the best when I wanted to buy them. I purchased Italian made furniture with 5 sets of seats. It's of a high quality materials to make me never bother about furniture again in a while.
I do not have such a desire to change something very often in the house, however, I had a desire in childhood, but my parents simply did not allow me. The only thing I managed to do was change some things
When you are still living with your parents, it is going to be very difficult or in fact it is going to be impossible for you to make any kind of serious decision when home improvement is been considered because you are not contributing anything seriously financially to decide how your parents home is going to improved.
I'm finally getting to finish my basement after two years of ignoring it. :)

Working Get To Work GIF
I'm finally getting to finish my basement after two years of ignoring it. :)

Working Get To Work GIF

The most important thing is that you have been able to finally finish working on your basement because two years is definitely a long time to have the projects ignored. Although it might be as a result of financial circumstances that you ended up ignoring the project for so long. How much did it cost you to work on it?
Money wasn't the issue; I worked away from home for long periods, so time was the problem.;)
Indeed true jay. Even weekend you have a lot of things to do that you did not find a time during working days. Then it will be hard to have free weekend. Unlike people are thinking that you have free time in weekend.
Money wasn't the issue; I worked away from home for long periods, so time was the problem.;)

Time is everything in life because even if you have all the money in the world and not the time for you to do something, you will still not be able to do that because you have to make out time to be able to do the things that matters to you. I'm glad that you finally managed to have the time to complete the project by now.
I'm finally getting to finish my basement after two years of ignoring it. :)

Working Get To Work GIF
I would also like to make my parents' basement much better, because now it just looks like a cesspool, but they won't let me do it, even though I don't have the money, all I need is to at least try to clean it and the look will be 50 percent better
The highest I have done so far is to simply rearrange my room to give it a different feel. From time to time I always try to rearrange things in my room. Recently I was able to create an extra space which I now use as my work space.
The highest I have done so far is to simply rearrange my room to give it a different feel. From time to time I always try to rearrange things in my room. Recently I was able to create an extra space which I now use as my work space.
I would also like to put a lot of things in the room right now, because I understand that I can free up a lot of money, but since I have a small apartment, I have to live with it all and I just don’t have anywhere for the children, these necessary things
Over the years, I've tackled a number of DIY home projects with varying degrees of success. Painting rooms and basic landscaping went smoothly enough. But my attempts at retiling a bathroom floor and building a shed from scratch were more challenging endeavors!