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Have you ever received a gift you disliked?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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Most times, we don't have a say or control in what others gift us. It's whatever we are given as a gift that we are going to take. It's on a rare occasion the person who wants to gift us would ask what we wanted.

Have you ever received a gift you disliked?
I don't like it when you say you don't like a particular singer, and so as a gift, they buy you an album from that singer. For ages, I got the same album for Christmas every year. I wasn't happy about it at all

I also don't like when people buy me socks, because I don't like them, also one year someone bought me an empty box

Other one that irks me is incontinence products, because it gives off the impression.. well I don't really know her that well, but I do know she smells- and They are expensive, so okay, thoughtful I guess, but I just think it's taking the easy way out
I'm very open to any kind of gifts anyone is interested in buying for me. It's a gift, that's why I don't fuss over it. If I don't like it, I don't think it's going to change anything about the gift and I will never be willing to return it.
I can't remember getting any gift from anyone expect from my parents when I was still a kid growing up. As an adult, no one have ever gifted me anything and I haven't given anything to anyone either.
Nope, I never have.
Any gift I have ever received, I have appreciated and liked.
Nobody gifts me anything except from my parents and siblings. They all know what I like and don't. It's going to be different for any one of them to spend their money buying me a gift they already know I'm not going to like and would most likely not keep.
I remember when I was a kid, my parents would give me socks for my birthday or Christmas. So yeah I remember not liking that :) But really nowadays I am just happy to get a gift at all :)
While it's true that every gift is given with good intentions, personal preferences and tastes vary. But it's important to appreciate the thought and effort behind each gift, even if it may not align perfectly with our own preferences. Tip: Try to sneak into the person's wishlist and buy them something they have been wanting to have. :)
This happens very often because people will buy a gift thinking about what they would like, but in fact I didn't like it and didn't need it. I am never offended because it is at least some sign of attention for me, but they have never brought me any benefit
When someone go out of his or her way to buy a gift for you, it's very important that you be at your best behaviour to accept the gift with all pleasure even if it's not something that you love. It's why they call it a gift. It's what comes to that gifters mind to buy for you.
I have never received any gifts that I disliked. In fact no matter what I receive as a gift, I will always like it. I have a habit of appreciating anything I receive as a gift. The only difference is how much I like it. I mean whether I like it very much or I just like it. No matter what I receive, the gifts I receive never pisses me off.
Gifts are meant to be loved and appreciated. It's not easy for you to get a free gift from someone who likes you to the extent of going out of his or her way to spend his money to buy you a gift. There are some who never received any gift in their lives for once.
I was also given socks in my childhood and not only for Christmas, but also for my birthday and other holidays. Although I had enough of them. I even now have a few pairs that I haven't used since then, but they no longer fit my size
I remember when I was a kid, my parents would give me socks for my birthday or Christmas. So yeah I remember not liking that :) But really nowadays I am just happy to get a gift at all :)
I was also given socks in my childhood and not only for Christmas, but also for my birthday and other holidays. Although I had enough of them. I even now have a few pairs that I haven't used since then, but they no longer fit my size

Have you ever given away a gift which was given to you because you can no longer make use of it? Just like you mentioned something about your socks which was gifted to you years ago but they are no longer your size. What did you do with those gifts at that point?
I love all gifts which have been given to me. No one should hate or dislike a gift. It's a gift, you didn't give the gifter any money to buy anything specifically for you.
I love all gifts which have been given to me. No one should hate or dislike a gift. It's a gift, you didn't give the gifter any money to buy anything specifically for you.

I have come to understand and observe that a lot of people don't understand the concept of gift which is the reason why they will be making the statement about not liking some gift people give to them. Whenever someone is gifting you something, you have to appreciate it because it is coming from the person's heart.
I doubt I have ever received a gift I didn't like though. Even in a situation where I am given one, with time I we definitely come to like them.
I don't think there's a gift that I will be giving that I will dislike ever. The very fact that somebody is generous enough to offer me a gift is what I appreciate, not exactly what the gift is.
I've gotten some horrible, stupid gifts. But when that happened I just smiled and thanked them. Afterall it's the thought that counts right?
I can't say that I've ever received a gift that I outright disliked. Even if it wasn't necessarily my style or something I would have chosen for myself, I always try to appreciate the thought and effort that went into the gift.