I haven't used cash for a long time, but when I was younger and my parents gave me money, I often lost it. My parents were constantly angry with me, but I couldn't do anything, I don't even know how they fell out of my pocket
I also have cases, but due to the fact that I did not have a wallet and the money was sloppy in my pocket, and when I, for example, wanted to take the phone out of my pocket, all this money got stuck together with it and fell out, and I did not notice itI have even lost money on the street as an adult. And it happens most times when I am in a hurry and I need to rush. That's why I don't like dealing with cash. But one can't help as most petty businesses require that transactions should always be done with cash.
I have lost money countless times, there was one that happened when I was in elementary school, I lost my money for lunch and I felt bad thoroughout the day..I haven't used cash for a long time, but when I was younger and my parents gave me money, I often lost it. My parents were constantly angry with me, but I couldn't do anything, I don't even know how they fell out of my pocket