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Have you ever got the impression that someone is observing you?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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I didn't have that because, in my experience, nobody would genuinely want to do that while they are out on the street and everyone is going about their own business. But these kinds of emotions might also arise when you get home and someone is looking in through the window. Though I doubt it's true, I believe someone may sense it
There have been times when I thought that some pretty girls were giving me the eye. But that might just have been my ego or a case of wishful thinking on my part.;)
Yes I have had this feeling on several occasions, and though most times I was wrong, but there have been times where it turns out I was right. It has never been a life threatening situation anyways.
I am not owing anyone and I don't have any reason to believe that anyone is observing me. It is only people that have done something wrong that have always had to believe that someone is watching them, maybe the few girls that crush on me are the ones watching and observing me.
There have been times when I've felt a prickling sensation on the back of my neck, as if invisible eyes were fixated on me. Perhaps it was just my imagination running wild, but I couldn't shake the eerie feeling that I was being watched. I'd scan my surroundings, searching for the source of this perceived scrutiny, but never detected anything out of the ordinary.
There have been times when I've felt a prickling sensation on the back of my neck, as if invisible eyes were fixated on me. Perhaps it was just my imagination running wild, but I couldn't shake the eerie feeling that I was being watched. I'd scan my surroundings, searching for the source of this perceived scrutiny, but never detected anything out of the ordinary.
Sometimes it might be just our minds paying games on us, but most times there might actually be someone looking at you or observing you.
I too believe that there is someone somewhere that is watching over me and follows me up so silently that if it were a girl l would have a very good time of seducing them
I too believe that there is someone somewhere that is watching over me and follows me up so silently that if it were a girl l would have a very good time of seducing them
Haha, what if it's a guy, what would you do or if it really is a girl and you are not able to seduce them as you have said.
No, I have never experienced the same ever in life but have seen people feel like this, I think this is sort of a disease.
I experienced it when I rented an apartment for the first time because my home was so far away from my workplace and I had no car at that time. The person who was always observing me secretly was a Muslim and I was so terrified when someone told me about his acts.
I experienced it when I rented an apartment for the first time because my home was so far away from my workplace and I had no car at that time. The person who was always observing me secretly was a Muslim and I was so terrified when someone told me about his acts.
That's weird, it even got to the fact that someone else was able to notice it as well. What did you do though? Did you try approaching the person or how did you handle the issue?
I think I was but I did not feel bothered with it and it does happen rarely LOL although is a sign that we need to stay safe
That's weird, it even got to the fact that someone else was able to notice it as well. What did you do though? Did you try approaching the person or how did you handle the issue?
That Muslim entered my apartment early morning without knocking on the door. It was opened because I have a visitor my brother-in-law. The guy sat down and blew his cigar. I remained calm but after some minutes, I old my house help to tell the guy I was not at home and he left. I decided to transfer to another apartment and the guy followed me into my workplace with his goons all Muslims, But I alerted the guard and he called the police. They all left angry.
That Muslim entered my apartment early morning without knocking on the door. It was opened because I have a visitor my brother-in-law. The guy sat down and blew his cigar. I remained calm but after some minutes, I old my house help to tell the guy I was not at home and he left. I decided to transfer to another apartment and the guy followed me into my workplace with his goons all Muslims, But I alerted the guard and he called the police. They all left angry.
Hmmm that's serious, even to the point of locating your workplace. What did he really want actually, where you able to find out what he wanted?
Hmmm that's serious, even to the point of locating your workplace. What did he really want actually, where you able to find out what he wanted?
He liked me lol. He sent me letters courting me but I ignored them and that angered him. I will never have a Muslim boyfriend. I know about the Muslim world. They are polygamous. The guy was a graduating student at a university.
He liked me lol. He sent me letters courting me but I ignored them and that angered him. I will never have a Muslim boyfriend. I know about the Muslim world. They are polygamous. The guy was a graduating student at a university.
Hmmm, there is notting wrong about liking someone though but there should be some limits. Anyways thank God it didn't lead to any form of violence.
Hmmm, there is notting wrong about liking someone though but there should be some limits. Anyways thank God it didn't lead to any form of violence.
The guy always monitored me but I was always escorted by my male friends who were criminology graduates and they are now policemen. The Muslim guy was handsome but had an attitude problem, impulsive. One time, he was hiding in the gate and he held my hand so tight that it pained me. I called the guard but my friends, surrounded me and he ran away, scared. He only stopped when he found a Muslim girlfriend. I felt relieved.
The guy always monitored me but I was always escorted by my male friends who were criminology graduates and they are now policemen. The Muslim guy was handsome but had an attitude problem, impulsive. One time, he was hiding in the gate and he held my hand so tight that it pained me. I called the guard but my friends, surrounded me and he ran away, scared. He only stopped when he fund a Muslim girlfriend. I felt relieved.
I guess it was probably based on the fact that you were never alone was what caused him to stay far from you. With his attitude, am sure he is the type who will lay hands on a lady if they do not do what he wants.
I guess it was probably based on the fact that you were never alone was what caused him to stay far from you. With his attitude, am sure he is the type who will lay hands on a lady if they do not do what he wants.
That guy was also a chained smoker. As long as he is a Muslim will never fall for him even if he is handsome and wealthy. His dad was a congressman in Marawi city in the southern part of Mindanao where terrorists are hoarding there. I have leaned that he is now in Mecca.
That guy was also a chained smoker. As long as he is a Muslim will never fall for him even if he is handsome and wealthy. His dad was a congressman in Marawi city in the southern part of Mindanao where terrorists are hoarding there. I have leaned that he is now in Mecca.

That must be horrible. Any girl will be horrified if a guy stalks her. That's the reason I normally don't allow my daughter to go out unless and until it's urgent. I don't think that I am snatching her freedom but I feel I am protective for her. This world is not good for the females specially Delhi which is infamous for rape cases in recent years.