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Have you ever compromised on your happiness for another person?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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Being happy is about doing what matters for you. It may involve being selfish with some things but in the end, it's your happiness that comes first above everything else.

Have you found yourself in a situation where you have to compromise on your happiness for another person?
When I left the university, I chose myself instead of my parents because it was their dream and they hoped that I would study, but I saw myself in a different field and it made me happy, so I decided to choose myself and not my parents' path
I have done this frequently. I have compromised my happiness for the sake of my parents, my spouse, my siblings, and my kids. I like my family to remain intact therefore family is very important for me, if my family needs to do certain things, I will always sacrifice my happiness for the sake of my family.
Mother is one person in this world I would do anything for. I've deprived myself of my happiness so many times just for her to be happy.
Mother is one person in this world I would do anything for. I've deprived myself of my happiness so many times just for her to be happy.
I believe that you are absolutely right, but you can't do this, you always need to find some compromises when you can also be happy without sacrificing your mother's happiness. You are also a person and I think my mother understands that, so you need to look for a benefit for both
I have done this a lot of times for a lot of people, choose to make them happy over my own happiness but in the end they made me realize that it was not actually worth it.
No, being sad is a poor state of being. Try not to choose that. There is always a grey area. Try to hit that space.

Don't do stupid things in the name of fanatasy.
Mother is one person in this world I would do anything for. I've deprived myself of my happiness so many times just for her to be happy.
In as much as we love our moms so much and would do anything for them, we need to strike that balance that we have a life to live. Mother's love can be frustrating at times because women are emotional.

I have compromised my happiness for another person as I had to give up the money I was meant to buy a car for my sister to go to school.
Absolutely, we all have to make compromises in our relationships and lives that require some sacrifice of pure personal happiness. Maybe it was taking a job in an inconvenient location to be closer to my partner's family. Or putting vacation dreams on hold to help a loved one through a difficult time.
Been there, done that but never again, live and learn.
I have never done this because all the people around me are dear to me and even those with whom I work at work, so I could not do such a thing to them. I'd rather find a way where no one gets hurt, but I don't want to be hated for it

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