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Have you encountered a scary thing? What was it?



Mar 18, 2024
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In my case, there was a moment when I was so scared. That was the time when I saw the sky with flashes of lightning as if wanting to devour me. After those flashes of lightning, they were followed by a roar of thunder successively. It seemed like breaking the universe. My sister covered the big mirror in our living room and put off all our gadgets to be safer. After the showdown of the works of nature, heavy rain poured, and then a cute flood in our lawns scattered. What about you? Was there a time or moment in your life when you felt scared?
The only thing that really scares me is snakes. I really get scared when I see them. I had a friend who died because she was bitten by a snake. That's why I always have bitter kola anywhere that I am to scare away snakes.
The other thing that scares me is the black scorpion. I have read a lot about it and though I haven't seen it in real ,but I am always cautious wherever I go especially to houses where cleanliness is obviously unclean. Scorpions stay in dirty places or a place where they are not disturbed .
I have had a lot of scary moments in my life though. One of them was when I was small and I was tricked by two adults. They carried me to an unknown place, and with tricks they collected the money I have been saying for months to buy a phone. And threatened me I would die if I don't go home to bring more.
I have had a lot of scary moments in my life though. One of them was when I was small and I was tricked by two adults. They carried me to an unknown place, and with tricks they collected the money I have been saying for months to buy a phone. And threatened me I would die if I don't go home to bring more.
That was so scary but thankful you were not harm. What a, shame on those culprits threatening a child like you. And why did you leave home alone that time when you were a child? You better told the police or shouted for help. Hoping those bad elements stayed behind bars.
I am scared of failure too as it can make me feel bad in my own eyes and also from doing anything that will disrespect my daily
I am scared of failure too as it can make me feel bad in my own eyes and also from doing anything that will disrespect my daily
Never be scared from failure because you can make amends to what you failed. You can make the best version of yourself from failure unless you will not try again. Though it is hard but keep on believing in yourself and engage with a positive mindset.
Never be scared from failure because you can make amends to what you failed. You can make the best version of yourself from failure unless you will not try again. Though it is hard but keep on believing in yourself and engage with a positive mindset.
I know we should not be scared of failure because its also part of life but I find it hard to handle and sometimes I do feel sad about it
I know we should not be scared of failure because its also part of life but I find it hard to handle and sometimes I do feel sad about it
What kind of failure have you encountered or experienced? Was it about love? 😁. Or was it about your work because you were not yet promoted or given a salary increase? In my case, I experienced many failures in life but I fought them and made another try. It's tough but we have to be tougher than our failure.
What kind of failure have you encountered or experienced? Was it about love? 😁. Or was it about your work because you were not yet promoted or given a salary increase? In my case, I experienced many failures in life but I fought them and made another try. It's tough but we have to be tougher than our failure.
LOL Haven't encountered any such failure but I do feel scared to take the first step and keep thinking about it
How can you prove it to yourself that you are scared in failure when you have not experienced failure? 😁. It might be only on your mind. The mindset of the millionaires is you cannot become successful without trying failure. Don't be scared but rather face it.
Yeah its in the mind and not sure if how I will be able to rectify it but I do feel scared to start new things and even to start talking to a stranger
In my case, I am a fighter which is why I didn't feel afraid during the swimming practice in the deep sea. I can also travel alone to other countries. I am always positive and trust myself and foremost God. I am only scared to walk in the dark, lol.
I think we all have such things which we don't like to do so it's completely natural to have these and in we need not change these unless its absolutely necessary
That was so scary but thankful you were not harm. What a, shame on those culprits threatening a child like you. And why did you leave home alone that time when you were a child? You better told the police or shouted for help. Hoping those bad elements stayed behind bars.
I wasn't that small though, if I can remember correctly, I should be around 13 to 14 years or there about.
I believe some of us are at this kind of experience before when we were young. The sight of lightning and the sound of thunder that follows terrifies some young children.
That said, I have never heard of something like 'cute flood' before. Is it beautiful to behold? 🤔
Right from time I was never really scared of lightening and thunder, I have always loved a rainy weather from the very beginning.
I wasn't that small though, if I can remember correctly, I should be around 13 to 14 years or there about.
Why didn't you run and shout for help if there are people near you I am so sure those culprits will be like a rotten vegetable from beating from neighbors. There are bad elements before and now. The police authorities are outnumbered by their number so citizens must help.
For me l can say that l have never experienced scary things physical. I usually see so much scary things on the screens like movies, YouTube videos among other platforms that show visual content. Some are too daring to see them with naked eyes.
I am that child that's not afraid of anything. I was a very brave child while growing up and it made people like my boldness. But the only thing that can make me cry is masquerade or cockroach. These are the things that I am very afraid of and I don't near them.