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Hulk Smash!

Sep 24, 2023
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Do you have any fears of anything? I'm scared of spiders!
I don’t like being around spiders but I wouldn’t call it fear. I fear death, but then again, who doesn’t?
I hate being anywhere near the hospital. It reeks for me to be comfortable around it. The sight of how people are rushed in the ICU scares me to death.
Bees I’ve been stung as a small child and it hurt so much I’ve been scared since. I really don’t like that they leave their stingers in you and you have to get it out
Bees I’ve been stung as a small child and it hurt so much I’ve been scared since. I really don’t like that they leave their stingers in you and you have to get it out
They are supposed to die when they've stung someone right? At least it was what I was told. Can you remember if the one that stung you died?
They are supposed to die when they've stung someone right? At least it was what I was told. Can you remember if the one that stung you died?
All I remember was that it hurt like hell
Water! I can't get anywhere near it. I don't know how to swim. I nearly drowned in the pool in my teenage years.
Snakes and spiders. I'm so freaked out by both of them. I can't stay in a place where I'm aware snakes normally comes around. I will die out of fear.
Do you have any fears of anything? I'm scared of spiders!

My fears is having anything to do with someone who is very stupid, selfish, manipulator and an egotistical human being. He will pose as a friend but will be plotting behind you.
I have a fear of heights and Spiders.
My fear of heights has improved a little since I was younger but my fear of Spiders never got better. I'm still terrified of them.
I have a fear of heights and Spiders.
My fear of heights has improved a little since I was younger but my fear of Spiders never got better. I'm still terrified of them.
Before I learnt and mastered how to swim very well, I had so much fear about water. I would go anywhere near any kind of water. I don't go to the swimming pool. To make it worst, I watched someone drown in the swimming pool one day. I couldn't swim for 2 years because of the fear.
Do you have any fears of anything? I'm scared of spiders!

I fear being poor for the rest of my life. I know that I am a hardworking person, and working hard is going to be of immense help to making it in life. However, I fear for my efforts being in vain. I want to be rich and impact on the society positively.
I fear being poor for the rest of my life. I know that I am a hardworking person, and working hard is going to be of immense help to making it in life. However, I fear for my efforts being in vain. I want to be rich and impact on the society positively.
Life is useless without having money to take care of yourself and your family as well as your responsibilities. This is a fear anyone who is sensible should have. It should make someone to work every day in order to be paid for the hours they have worked. When I see lazy people who doesn't want to work but they want to spend money, I laugh at their stupidity.
Losing my loved ones is the only fear I have. Apart from that, I don't fear anything, not even death. Because death is something that when it has to happen, it will happen. No one can stop it from happening.
Life is useless without having money to take care of yourself and your family as well as your responsibilities. This is a fear anyone who is sensible should have. It should make someone to work every day in order to be paid for the hours they have worked. When I see lazy people who doesn't want to work but they want to spend money, I laugh at their stupidity.

You understand what I am saying! I can't even imagine someone doubting my love for them because I can't show how I care. This involves family and friends. Not having money till death scares the hell out of me, and I honestly want to make this money.
You understand what I am saying! I can't even imagine someone doubting my love for them because I can't show how I care. This involves family and friends. Not having money till death scares the hell out of me, and I honestly want to make this money.
Sure! As long as I'm still alive, healthy and breathing well, I will always make seeking ways to make more money my priority because money can literally solve all problems. Life is full of expenses which 100% of the time is solved with money. Without money, life is incomplete and difficult.
Sure! As long as I'm still alive, healthy and breathing well, I will always make seeking ways to make more money my priority because money can literally solve all problems. Life is full of expenses which 100% of the time is solved with money. Without money, life is incomplete and difficult.
Not everything you could purchase with money. Some people have little assets but when they go to bed they can sleep the whole night and have normal daily problems. Some people have everything but they have a lot of family problems but someone seeing them from far says they have everything.
Not everything you could purchase with money. Some people have little assets but when they go to bed they can sleep the whole night and have normal daily problems. Some people have everything but they have a lot of family problems but someone seeing them from far says they have everything.
It's true that human beings cannot have everything they wanted in life because life is usually incomplete but I would have money over anything else. Some people talk about having peace of mind and being happy, I know myself that I can't have peace of mind or be happy without having money.
Speaking of animals, I'm also afraid of spiders, and speaking of other things, I'm afraid of heights and depths. I am also afraid of becoming disabled or getting fatal diseases. But most people have such fears
I don't have any problems with spiders, the kind of spiders in my country are not that too big for me to be afraid of them. I can kill them easily without any hesitation.

But snakes is what I can never stand. I hate snakes so bad that I won't pass where I saw a snake again for a long time.