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Favorite Animals


Hulk Smash!

Sep 24, 2023
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What are your favorite animals?
It's only dogs. They are man's best friend. They are lovely and loyal to a fault. If you feed a dog once or twice, the dog will never forget you for the rest of its life.
It's only dogs. They are man's best friend. They are lovely and loyal to a fault. If you feed a dog once or twice, the dog will never forget you for the rest of its life.
I have a phobia of dogs, especially the ones who run around a lot and bark. There’re dog incidents every year.

I watched a documentary called inside the mind of a feline on Netflix recently. It’s well good! Realised how intelligent they are - those who own a cat and especially own multiple ones will know this.
I have a phobia of dogs, especially the ones who run around a lot and bark. There’re dog incidents every year.

I watched a documentary called inside the mind of a feline on Netflix recently. It’s well good! Realised how intelligent they are - those who own a cat and especially own multiple ones will know this.
Yes, some dogs can be violent. I don't like such dogs either but I know it's all about how dogs are trained that they behave. Dogs that barks excessively makes me restless too.

Cats are very intelligent. I wouldn't mind keeping them too.
Yes, some dogs can be violent. I don't like such dogs either but I know it's all about how dogs are trained that they behave. Dogs that barks excessively makes me restless too.

Cats are very intelligent. I wouldn't mind keeping them too.
Yeah it’s training as well as the common issue of illegal breeds. It’s good that arrests are being made and all that for such conviction to hopefully serve as an effective deterrent.

If you had to choose, would you pick cars or dogs?
I'm not particularly fond of any animals but I guess I like monkeys because of some of their human-like behaviour. It's interesting to see. I would never touch a monkey though, just appreciate from afar! :p
I'm not particularly fond of any animals but I guess I like monkeys because of some of their human-like behaviour. It's interesting to see. I would never touch a monkey though, just appreciate from afar! :p
Same, my friend always laughs at me as I said monkeys are my fav animal but I’m scared of them haha :p

I still remember that time when we were in a national park somewhere abroad and a ladder of monkeys jumped onto both shoulders of my dad and he danced struggling them off, hilarious scene 🤣
Cats are my favorite animals, I like dogs too but cats are much more laid back and make cuter noises than dogs do. I know it can take sometime for a cat to earn your trust, but it's definitely worth it! I've had a pet cat in my entire life. There hasn't been a moment in my life where I didn't have a cat as a pet. I love animals more than humans. :)
Cats are my favorite animals, I like dogs too but cats are much more laid back and make cuter noises than dogs do. I know it can take sometime for a cat to earn your trust, but it's definitely worth it! I've had a pet cat in my entire life. There hasn't been a moment in my life where I didn't have a cat as a pet. I love animals more than humans. :)
How’s the new cat btw?
Cats, dogs, horses, snakes, lizards, meerkats (my absolute favourite), caracals, African Grey parrots, alpacas, dikdiks and gerenuks.

Prefer animals to people actually.
My favourite is a cat. I love cats and got two at home at the moment. One thing about having cats is that you will always have a good time with them as long as you are doing okay. Cats only get angry when you offend them in terms of not feeding them well.
I love all animals. For domestic, I would say cats & dogs. For wild, birds & of course marine life in the form of whales & dolphins. :)
My favourite animals are Cats, Guinea Pigs and Hamsters. These are the animals I grew around and still have 1 Guinea Pig that I adore so much.
I love all domestic animals. Don't count reptiles in as domestic because they are not by my definition. They are wild animals. Dogs, cats, rabbits etc are my favourites.
Dog is the only animal pet I can live with. I don't like cats or any other animals. I feel so uncomfortable being around them which is why I don't go anywhere near them.
I love almost all kinds of animals but I would be lying if I said that my favourite wasn't a cat :) I have always been fond of cats and they have always been my favourite with dogs and guinea pigs coming in a close second :)
Cats and dogs. They are both loving and loyal companions, providing comfort and joy to their owners. Cats are independent and low-maintenance while dogs are sociable energetic. Each brings unique qualities to our lives, making them cherished members of our families.
Cats and dogs. They are both loving and loyal companions, providing comfort and joy to their owners. Cats are independent and low-maintenance while dogs are sociable energetic. Each brings unique qualities to our lives, making them cherished members of our families.
Cats are lovely animals too. They can keep you company the same way dogs can keep their owner company but what I don't like so much about cats it how they used to claw and scratch on things. My mother's couch have been scratched to death by two of her cats. I hate seeing that in a house with cat.
If you talk about just any animal in the world, then I like giraffes because they are really very unusual for me, and if you talk only about those that I would like to have at home, then it is probably an otter, although I have not made a decision yet
If you come to animals in the same family as an otter, it would be weasels I would be interested in keeping. I use to watch a cartoon of I'm Weasel on Cartoon network. I can never forget how the weasel run so fast. I love giraffes too because they always look gentle and innocent.