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Ever run away from home?

There was a time I actually ran away from home. The story was rather funny now that I think about it cause it I only ran from home for a few hours. My exam results just came out and I didn't do too well, my mom was so upset, so I had to run from home but I came back within a few hours 😂😂 cause I had no where to go.
I ran sway from home on my 16th birthday and never returned. I had my suitcase packed the night before with some stolen money that I boosted from my so called "father". No guilt there as he would just have drank the money anyway. There was no need to have said goodbye to my crazy "mother" either.
It is more rampant with teenage girls than boys in my country. I have never had to run away from home but my sister actually did. Most teenage girls, when they fall in love with one boy, they feel the world is all about love. They would run away from home and move in with the guy. Most go back home after the guy breaks their heart.
It happened to me a lot of times. Whenever I have a misunderstanding with my parents, I used to have thoughts of packing my loads and running away from home. But then, I would think of the options I have and I realized they are not viable. So I will just stay put 😃
No, I have never fled or even considered fleeing in my life. Though there were times when I felt awful for my parents, I never considered leaving my house. I've been hearing a lot in the news lately about girls fleeing with their lovers.
My parents were very good to me. I never had any reason to run away from home. I was an obedient child who never gave them any serious troubles.
That's really nice though.
No, I have never fled or even considered fleeing in my life. Though there were times when I felt awful for my parents, I never considered leaving my house. I've been hearing a lot in the news lately about girls fleeing with their lovers.
Those girls running away with their lovers is because their parents do not approve of those lovers. And because they are blinded by love, they disobey their parents and run away with the boys. But they will soon learn the hard way.
It happened many times in my childhood because we always had a difficult relationship with my parents, so I wanted to escape from this life and spend time with those people who understood me. My parents understood this and very often they even tried to forbid me to leave the house
It happened many times in my childhood because we always had a difficult relationship with my parents, so I wanted to escape from this life and spend time with those people who understood me. My parents understood this and very often they even tried to forbid me to leave the house
Trouble of relationship with parents is the hardest thing nowadays.
I hope it's not a good idea running from home I have never run away from home and i hope it's not a good idea for anyone
I hope it's not a good idea running from home I have never run away from home and i hope it's not a good idea for anyone
It could be done under emotions but it is never something as a conscious decision from an adult.
No I have not ever run from home for any purpose and no matter how what ever I did at home I will bear the punishment and face the consequences
I never did that and my parents and siblings were always there for me to help in any situation
Those girls running away with their lovers is because their parents do not approve of those lovers. And because they are blinded by love, they disobey their parents and run away with the boys. But they will soon learn the hard way.

And many of them repent of their decision to end up with their lover. Parents disapprove of their marriage because they are experienced and know how some people dump girls after trapping them in their love. Daily, we read such news on social media and watch such news on TV.
No I have not ever run from home for any purpose and no matter how what ever I did at home I will bear the punishment and face the consequences
There is no logic reason for doing that except someone how is not conscious do such actions.
No I have never tried to do so because no matter what I will surely come back and I know I will be punished in a way I never forget in my life