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Does human rely on his destiny?

I think staying true to our destinies as indicated by our gifting and talents is a perfect thing to do. That's how you know what you are destined to do. And when you follow it, life would be easier for you.
I think we can work hard and do everything that we need to do but if its not our destiny then we may not achieve that
We can create our destiny and that is free will, however, no matter how we try, we really cannot escape the destiny that is predestined to us by God. Others blamed God for their worst fate without thinking that it was their actions that made their fate worse. They applied free will that does not suit their predestined destinies.
We can create our destiny and that is free will, however, no matter how we try, we really cannot escape the destiny that is predestined to us by God. Others blamed God for their worst fate without thinking that it was their actions that made their fate worse. They applied free will that does not suit their predestined destinies.
Yes you are right and I am also right and God is always right LOL. After all its our destiny and whatever written in our destiny will ultimately happen no matter how we plan to evade
Yes you are right and I am also right and God is always right LOL. After all its our destiny and whatever written in our destiny will ultimately happen no matter how we plan to evade
Correct,no matter how we deviate from what we like that is not right, we will be pushed to our predestined destinies. I read the news this day and one swimmer in the Olympics was appointed to take over a swimmer who violated some rules.But the guy does not know how to swim,but he practice evry morning and he was able to win. That is a perfect destiny.
I have come across several people who believe their destiny is in their own hands, they can create or change their destiny. Then there are others who believe everything about them is simply how their destiny wants things to go.
Some people do not believe in destiny especially those rich. They think that they are already destined to be rich. Yeah, that is predestined destiny. Those who believe, work out their dreams to become what they want to change their lives and see the new version of themselves and that is their destiny.
As far as l am concerned, l am very much aware that not all the human beings really depend on the destiny for them to succeed in life. For me l don't believe in the destiny at all times in my life.
Whether you believe or not, we all have predestined destinies. You will know it matter how you strive for changes, the usual picture of life remains. The free will also depends on how you manipulate your destiny. If you prosper then you are destined to that.
No regarding to this issue does human need's to rely on his destiny is totally wrong because some of these aspect's have a solution in my religion sometimes if you work very hard the destiny himself it's change so always don't rely on it try your best always
There is free will as being explained in my post. Those people who rely on free will strive hard to attain what they want to happen in their lives and then after attaining it becomes real and whoever experiences like this may say it's their destinies. Let's just make things happen in reality.
We can do what we want and can work hard but we cannot go beyond our destiny but that should not stop us from trying or working hard
Each day we are faced with a choice, the choices we make determines how things play out in the end or the kind of results we get.
Others may rely on their destinies but majority of the people work out on their fate by going to school, acquire a degree, find a job or do business to have something for the future. And if by chance improved their lives by going abroad or do business, that's the unseen destiny they have worked for.
Others may rely on their destinies but majority of the people work out on their fate by going to school, acquire a degree, find a job or do business to have something for the future. And if by chance improved their lives by going abroad or do business, that's the unseen destiny they have worked for.
Actually if its not in our destiny then we may not have the success even though we are highly educated and is in any country for that matter
But I strongly believe Destiny can be changed. Like most persons would say, notting is written in stones.
Actually if its not in our destiny then we may not have the success even though we are highly educated and is in any country for that matter
I agree with you. There are some people who,by luck become wealthy despite education not complete like my neigbor, she finished only grade 4 but became wealthy. Despite poor but she was very pretty, height 5/6..She went to Manila to work as a house helper to Chinese millionaire whose son was very much in love with her. She got married and her in laws sent her to a private school until she finished Commerce. She was destined to marry a millionaire.
Not just by luck, most of them actually work hard for it, this is why many people being even if there is something called destiny, it can be changed. For me not to get confused or over worked out, I just try my best to do the best I can and leave the rest for God.
We have to work out our future because time flies so fast and if we only wait for luck to be called destiny, we will reach old age poor or broke and that might become your final destiny. Our destiny depends on us also.
We can create our destiny and that is free will, however, no matter how we try, we really cannot escape the destiny that is predestined to us by God. Others blamed God for their worst fate without thinking that it was their actions that made their fate worse. They applied free will that does not suit their predestined destinies.
The problem is that most of us couldn't discover their destiny.
The problem is that most of us couldn't discover their destiny.
We cannot discover our destiny. It only comes unexpectedly. How we, if what your mind dictates you what to do after which you also follow, then if the result is success then that is your destiny you intend to happen in your life.