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Does human rely on his destiny?



Mar 18, 2024
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The concept of destiny, fate, or predestination has been a topic of philosophical and religious discussion for centuries. Different cultures and belief systems have varying perspectives on whether humans rely on destiny or have free will. Some people believe in the idea of destiny where events in the personal life are predetermined and cannot be changed. This perspective suggests that individuals are bound to a specific path that has already been decided for them. On the other hand, others believe in the free will, the ability of the individuals to make choices and decisions that shape their lives. This perspective suggests that humans have the power to influence their own destinies through their actions and decisions.
This topic can be really confusing. I believe in destiny and at the same time I believe in free will. But when you look at it from another angle, do will really have free will if there is already a destiny for us?
I think we can work hard and do everything that we need to do but if its not our destiny then we may not achieve that
Destiny is what we make it and it is all up to us if we follow our our predesigned destiny or create yours following your own actions and beliefs, that is called free will,
But then again, how are you sure following your heart is not part of your destiny?
But then again, how are you sure following your heart is not part of your destiny?
Let us let the time work out for our destiny though we can make our destiny happen. Let's ride with the tides of our fate.
Let us let the time work out for our destiny though we can make our destiny happen. Let's ride with the tides of our fate.
In other words, let's just go with the flow. What we be wll be in the end.
We can keep trying but if it's not in our destiny then it would be almost impossible to make it and its hard to find if a thing is in our destiny or not
That's true, there will always be one pump or the other. But once you start going in line with your destiny, everything starts fall into place.
It's hard because we don't know if a particular thing is in our destiny or not and after wasting so much time we tend to quit which can be a wrong decision too
Destiny is inferior to the choices we make. If we can discover our destines and choose to work it, that's fine. Life would be easier. But you can choose a path outside your destiny, work it diligently and still be massive success.
In other words, let's just go with the flow. What we be wll be in the end.
The end will remain a mystery because we still have to wait for what God has planned for us. We are still waiting and being carried over by our destiny either free will or God's.
The end will remain a mystery because we still have to wait for what God has planned for us. We are still waiting and being carried over by our destiny either free will or God's.
Very true. The simple key is for us to just do our best and trust God's process. Like the Bible says he has a thought for us and it is not a bad one but one that has an expected end.
Very true. The simple key is for us to just do our best and trust God's process. Like the Bible says he has a thought for us and it is not a bad one but one that has an expected end.
Let's surrender our destiny to God. He will be the one to destine to us to the right direction as long as we believe Him and entrust to Him our faith. Others blame God for their bad destiny which is wrong. They might have used the freer will.
people just believe that destiny is something that is already ready for them and they just wait for it to happen, but in reality fate is created by people themselves and it doesn't matter if they understand it or not
It's human to act out his destiny. He cannot just sit and wait. He must work out on what he believes essential to promote his well being that brings him something profitable that may change his financial life forever. Our destiny depends on how we mold it and make it happen.
There are so many people that probably have good destinies but things like laziness and being lackadaisical with life never let them get to the peak. Think of all the people that you know who had mad talents and potentials in one area or another but couldn't make anything tangible out of it.
No one relies on his or her own destiny. Destiny cannot be felt but seen through what we have done in our lives good or bad, The success that we have, we earned it through hard work, perseverance, and patience is called our destiny. We work it out to happen.
If a person completely relies on his or her destiny and doesn't want to be intentional, he or she would watch how that his destiny would fail and he or she would become miserable in life.
Destiny just comes in without your notice. It will come to you according to what you planned. There is no effect waiting only for the destiny. You will have to execute what you want to happen in your life. Do not just sleep, if you keep on doing this , then your destiny will be living broke.