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Do you wear pajamas to sleep?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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It is not always convenient for everyone to sleep only under a blanket and it is not always warm, so some people even wear pajamas, but for me it is strange and uncomfortable because clothes constantly interfere with comfortable sleep. In order to be warm, I would rather use another blanket, but I will not use pajamas
Yes, I wear pajamas to go to sleep, nice and warm pajamas in the winter months and something light for the other months.
I do not wear pjs, I used to wear pjs when I was a kid but I never liked it. When I became a teen, I stopped wearing pjs. Instead of pjs, I like wearing loose fitting trousers while sleeping. In the winter, I use woolen trousers and in the summer, I wear cotton trousers. I find sleeping with trousers comfortable.
Yes, I wear pajamas to go to sleep, nice and warm pajamas in the winter months and something light for the other months.
Of course, it is very warm, but is it really comfortable because you are constantly turning on the bed and the clothes are big and I often get mixed up, so I use two blankets if the house is cold
My mother told me that when I was a kid, It was very difficult for me to wear anything to sleep because it will be the stopping me sleeping as I prefer to sleep naked. Right now, I enjoy wearing pyjamas to sleep especially when the weather is not too hot so that the wear will not be causing me any kind of discomfort at night.
My mother told me that when I was a kid, It was very difficult for me to wear anything to sleep because it will be the stopping me sleeping as I prefer to sleep naked. Right now, I enjoy wearing pyjamas to sleep especially when the weather is not too hot so that the wear will not be causing me any kind of discomfort at night.
I also couldn't fall asleep when I was a child with some clothes on, but unlike you, I still have it and it would be difficult for me to fall asleep when some clothes are on me. I'm even a little surprised that so many people are comfortable sleeping in pajamas
I have pajamas but don't often wear them. I prefer wearing my regular cloths to bed or simply sleep shirtless with just some shorts.
I have pajamas but don't often wear them. I prefer wearing my regular cloths to bed or simply sleep shirtless with just some shorts.
I'm the same, but I usually sleep in a t-shirt because I can't sleep well when I'm bare-chested. Although in the summer I can only sleep in shorts because it is really hot
No I don't have any pajamas that I wear to sleep, is that weird? Most times I don't even wear anything to sleep apart from my boxers especially when it is during the summer. And even during cold weather I just find a cloth to wear and go to sleep.
I have packed my pajamas in one place for now because the weather is so hot at this time of the year. Nowadays, I just sleep with just my boxers on. Those pajamas always come in handy during the season when the weather is much colder.
No I don't. I have a pajamas but I usually forget to change into them before I sleep. I don't even think pajamas are necessary because I have not used them since I got them, they are just there taking up space.
I can't sleep if I wear pajamas, so I sleep in my boxers. Clothes in bed freak me out and make me feel like I am chocking.
Never had them but do sleep in thermal underwear in the winter.
I'm a T-shirt and boxers guy, but I do think during Hurricane Sandy I had to buy some pajamas it was so cold at night without heat.
I also love putting on shorts and a t-shirt to bed. Sometimes I sleep naked though.
I do typically wear pajamas to bed. I find that having a dedicated sleepwear set helps signal to my body that it's time to wind down and get ready for rest. The soft, comfortable fabrics of pajamas feel cozy and relaxing compared to wearing day clothes to bed. Plus, pajamas just make me feel more put together, even when I'm lounging at home.
I don't know the last time I wore pajamas. I'd rather wear my nightdress when we have visitors around and wrap myself in a robe, sometimes I just have my shorts underneath the robe.

Stay cosy guys.
Yes, sometimes if I remember. Because whether I wear pajamas or not I will still get a good sleep anytime anyday. I wore it to sleep last night though.
Yes, sometimes if I remember. Because whether I wear pajamas or not I will still get a good sleep anytime anyday. I wore it to sleep last night though.
I think sometimes it depends on the weather. It's sometimes very hot here where I stay, one always ends up undressing or throwing the blankets. It's good to hear that you feel comfortable whether you wear pajamas to bed or not. Finding what works best for you in terms of sleep attire can contribute to a more restful night's sleep.
I find it really funny that there are clothes designated for sleep. I went online one day to check the price, I did not know when I burst out laughing. You people really take sleep seriously.