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Do you suffer from megalophobia?



Sep 23, 2023
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For those of you who are unsure of what megalophobia is, this is a fear of really large objects such as large ships, large animals and such.

I never knew I suffered with this fear until I was a little older and being close to anything really big made me very anxious and worried.

Do you suffer from megalophobia?
no I don't have this.

never heard of it before reading this
Yes, I have fear of really large objects but my own fear is specifically for those big and long trucks. Why did I start having fear for those kind of big trucks? I saw it involved in an accident one time. It wiped off more than 10 people at a stand. None of those people survived.
I have it 100 percent because even in GTA 5 when I play I am afraid to be near a big ship. I don't know why this happens, but it's scarier than anything else, although I know that the big prdme won't do anything to me. I am also afraid of a large open space, such as a large field without trees
I would not be afraid to what I know is not real 100 percent. This is why I don't have such fears for what I see in the video games which I'm playing. Since I know it's not real because it's in the game, it can never bother me. It's the same thing for what I see in movies too. But when it's in real life, it will creep me out.
Prior to bumping on this thread, I had never heard of this word megalophobia. Now that I have known what is megalophobia, I am trying to analyze myself and find our if I actually have this condition. Well, it looks like I am not afraid of large animals. I have seen elephants and rhinoceros so close but I was not afraid.
These animals are not suitable for such fear, because they are only 2-5 times larger than a person, and a huge cruise liner is ten times larger, and that's when this fear manifests itself when you see several buildings in front of you that are still moving
Prior to bumping on this thread, I had never heard of this word megalophobia. Now that I have known what is megalophobia, I am trying to analyze myself and find our if I actually have this condition. Well, it looks like I am not afraid of large animals. I have seen elephants and rhinoceros so close but I was not afraid.
Prior to bumping on this thread, I had never heard of this word megalophobia. Now that I have known what is megalophobia, I am trying to analyze myself and find our if I actually have this condition. Well, it looks like I am not afraid of large animals. I have seen elephants and rhinoceros so close but I was not afraid.

There is no way I would be comfortable around big animals like an elephant. They are beasts which can kill someone should they go wild on you. A stomp by an elephant is a cretin death for the person it happened to. I go to the zoo sometimes but I go near elephants.
Wow this is actually the first time I'm hearing of that word. Didn't know that kind of phobia exists either. Wait, does this mean that there is also fear of very small objects? Research time!
I don't think I have this fear cause I have been around some pretty big things before. Though maybe next time I we try to take note on how I feel.
I don't believe I suffer from megalophobia, which is the fear of large objects. While I can certainly appreciate the awe-inspiring nature of large-scale structures, natural wonders, or pieces of machinery, I don't experience any significant anxiety or distress when confronted with them.
No, I am not suffering with megalophobia. I am scared of heights and the reptiles.
Not big reptiles, I am scared small lizards also. I cannot see them. I am scared of snakes.
I have it 100 percent because even in GTA 5 when I play I am afraid to be near a big ship. I don't know why this happens, but it's scarier than anything else, although I know that the big prdme won't do anything to me. I am also afraid of a large open space, such as a large field without trees
Yea I can understand that to some extent, like when I played GTA San Andreas, there are times when I get scared when I go to a very high place, but then I realize, oh it's just a game I can do anything lol.
Megalophobia? Didn't know a word like that exist. I don't have that kind of phobia though.
I love snakes and lizards, Sanjeev.

To answer, the question, no I don't. But I do have social phobia.
Megalophobia? Didn't know a word like that exist. I don't have that kind of phobia though.
It was new to me too when I heard about it on TikTok and Googled it to find out what it was. I had always had a fear of really big things but had no idea it had a name.

You learn something new every day :)