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Do you sleep with lights on?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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Whenever I want to sleep, all the lights in my home will be switched off especially the one's in my room. If any of my room lights is on, I wouldn't be able to sleep.

Do you sleep with lights on?
Yes, I sleep with LED lights on as my Guinea Pig hates the dark.
I prefer to sleep with some light on as well because I am not a big fan of the dark either.
I can sleep with or without the lights on. I've never had any problems with my lights either being on or off when I want to sleep. If I'm tired and need to sleep, my room lights won't stop me.
I can never sleep in any place where the room is bright. I can only sleep in a pitch dark room. This is why I don't and can't take a nap during the day.
If I sleep alone, half the lights in the house will be on. I am afraid of the dark and any little noise scares the life out of me! The light, to a certain degree provides me comfort and safety.
The room lights can never be on when I'm about to sleep. My eyes wouldn't shut for me to sleep at all. This is why all of them goes off if I want to sleep.
Yes, I sleep with lights on whenever I watch horror movies at night and there's no one else with me in the room. I know some people who can't fall asleep with lights on at all but I can. I don't face any issue with it.
No, I don't leave the lights of my bedroom or any where in my house on whenever I'm going to bed. I can't be burning light and accumulating high light bill when they are not being of any use to me. If I'm sleeping, the lights are completely useless. It's why they are all switched off once I get into my bed.
I do not sleep with the lights on, no. I used to when I was younger but since getting older, I find it difficult to fall asleep with light unless I am so exhausted that I pass out with the light on.
I do not sleep with the lights on, no. I used to when I was younger but since getting older, I find it difficult to fall asleep with light unless I am so exhausted that I pass out with the light on.
Even if I was so exhausted after working hours, I would not find it easy to sleep with my bedroom light on. They will be causing so much strain for my eyes to close and sleep. This is why I don't blame those who have their house computerised with Alexa. They can use voice command to switch on or off their room lights.
Yes, I always want to sleep with lights on. I don't think that there is any need not to sleep with the lights on. I can't even enjoy my sleep when I am sleeping with lights off. So, I will always want to have the lights on as it makes me feel comfortable while I am sleeping.
It happens several times. When you are very tired you can even sleep while revising for exams at night. Then you wake up in the morning to find the light still whole night working. If someone is not tired, it will be difficult to sleep in such a situation.
Yes, I always want to sleep with lights on. I don't think that there is any need not to sleep with the lights on. I can't even enjoy my sleep when I am sleeping with lights off. So, I will always want to have the lights on as it makes me feel comfortable while I am sleeping.
With my eyes being too sensitive to lights is the reason why I can never be able to sleep with any kind of lights on. There are lights that are deemed to be used for sleeping, I can't sleep with any of them either. I have to wear glasses to use my smartphone and laptop because of how the lights affect my eyes.
When I am tired, I can sleep with lights on or off, with noise or not, I sleep like a baby. But my preference is to sleep with lights off. I feel I rest more with no lights.
When I am tired, I can sleep with lights on or off, with noise or not, I sleep like a baby. But my preference is to sleep with lights off. I feel I rest more with no lights.
My preference will always be to sleep with the lights in my rooms off. In fact, all the lights in all the rooms in my house are supposed to be switched off when I'm going to bed to sleep. When I'm tired too, I will still want to bedroom lights to be switched off.
I don't really like a completely dark room because when I was a child I was afraid of it but I wasn't allowed to sleep with the light on but when I live alone I may have a trauma left and I always sleep with a small light source so that the room is not completely dark
I don't really like a completely dark room because when I was a child I was afraid of it but I wasn't allowed to sleep with the light on but when I live alone I may have a trauma left and I always sleep with a small light source so that the room is not completely dark
There are those whom being in the dark causes them so much anxiety and panic. They can never be calm or relaxed in any dark room, hence they will make sure to have any kind of light on in the room. It doesn't matter if it was a small torch, it will serve them.
I sleep with lights on, this helps me wake up in the morning. When I sleep with lights off, I have a difficulty in waking up in the morning. Even when I set an alarm, I still might not be able to wake up when the lights are off. However, I do not use bright lights while sleeping, I use dim light, I also use diffused light
If I ever manage to sleep with the lights in my room on, what it's going to do to me would be not sleeping deep. It would be like I was half awake most of the time and that's not going to do me any good. I will feel weak and tired throughout the whole day.
No, I can’t sleep with the lights on. If there’s any type of lights entering my room, I’ll wake up.