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Gaming Do you remember your first console?

Yes, it was ancient. I do not know whether I can call it a console. But it kind of handle everything that we use to define it.
I think my first console was a super Nintendo, back then we used to call it terminator. I don't really know why it was called that though.
I bought playstation 4 in 2016, it was the first console I bought. Even though I used to play games on PC and mobile phone sometimes, I started gaming in a true sense only in 2016. I used the console for a couple of years and then sold it to by a gaming laptop, later I bought playstation 5, and currently I own playstation 5
They could be something good to entertain himself from time to time to use a gamer pc or playstation 4, because this is because this could be something to avoid stress, but you should not play so much with the playstation games despite your online work.
The first one I ever played on was when I was a small kid many years back. My uncle had somehow kept this really old Atari console and I used to play Pacman on it. The thing died about 25 years ago and he ended up chucking it out.
It was a Sega console, I have forgotten the exact name, but I remember being very happy when I got it. I would spend sleepless nights playing it till it got to a point my dad seized it!
I believe that the very first one to ever come out was the old Foozball games. They had no cartridges or joysticks. The program was built into the console and you had 2 swivel sticks that were built right on to the console itself.
I used to own a set-top box, but now I don't have it anymore. I bought myself a PlayStation 4 almost immediately after the release, but later I sold it because I didn't have time to play and the games were much more expensive than I thought.
Of course! My first gaming console was the original PlayStation.. I can still vividly picture unboxing that big gray chunky piece of hardware and being in awe at the 3D graphics. Games like Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, and Final Fantasy VII blew my young mind. I have such fond memories of spending hours exploring those worlds after school.
If you are a gamer, you may remember the first ever console you owned and played on. Some of us will have received our first song as a present for either our birthday or Christmas.

I always remember mine and my brother's first console, it was the Sega Master System and I always remember Alex The Kidd being built into the console. That was one of my favourite games growing up as well as the Sonic the Hedgehog games as well.

Do you remember your first console?
Actually I believed every gamer will remember his/her first gaming console. my first gaming console was PSP before Sega