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Do you prefer tea or coffee?



Sep 23, 2023
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When it comes to tea and coffee, we have our preferences. I was never able to drink coffee until I learned about coffee syrups that you could buy in the store and now I can drink coffee if I fancy a change but tea is still my go-to.

When it comes to tea and coffee, what is your preferred?
At home I prefer tea, but when I'm out, I normally get myself lattes.
At home I prefer tea, but when I'm out, I normally get myself lattes.
When I am out and I have the money to do so, I tend to go for something such as a latte or even a frappe with an espresso which I enjoy. There is just something about takeout lattes and frappes that I love :)
I take both coffee and tea because they both good drinks. I normally take coffee during the day when I am at work because it helps to keep me lively and agile not to feel sleepy at work. Tea is something that I normally take during the evening time, it helps to keep me refreshed before going to bed. So, I enjoy drinking both tea and coffee.
I would have to go with Tea, but I dont really drink either. Id prefer Water.
Tea is my routine breakfast every morning, so it's suffice to say that I love drinking tea more than I do coffee. I drank coffee only 5 times last year.
Tea, because it offers a wide variety of health benefits. From soothing herbal blends to energizing black teas, there's always a tea to match my mood. Plus, the ritual of brewing and savoring a cup of tea is a calming and comforting experience.
Tea, because it offers a wide variety of health benefits. From soothing herbal blends to energizing black teas, there's always a tea to match my mood. Plus, the ritual of brewing and savoring a cup of tea is a calming and comforting experience.
I have had black tea and ginseng tea constantly for years. They are very good with so many health benefits. I used to have stomach upset but since I started using both black tea and ginseng tea, it stopped my stomach problems by force. I didn't need any other kind of drugs, the tea did all the job.
I only like tea because of dynimtva, because coffee is not for me, my friend, I really want to sleep after it, and I don't need it in the middle of the working day. And tea has a very rich taste, and you can change it at least every day
I only like tea because of dynimtva, because coffee is not for me, my friend, I really want to sleep after it, and I don't need it in the middle of the working day. And tea has a very rich taste, and you can change it at least every day
Yes, if you are suffering from not sleeping well or enough especially at night, it's not advisable to drink coffee both during the day or at night. The high caffeine concentration in the coffee will cease your ability to sleep completely. It will make you to stay awake all night.
I am Indian and I grew up in a heavily coffee-consuming household (probably because of my parents’ love for Italy), but despite that, I devour an absurd amount of tea every day - ranging from 2 to 4 big cups
I like to drink both, coffee and tea. Hot coffee and tea are both my preference, but I don’t mind drinking them cold either.
I like having both tea and coffee and mostly have tea in the morning and evening
I prefer tea and it's always Green tea not more than 2 cups in a day. One during the day and another after my dinner
I drink both but I like cold coffee more than tea so my vote goes to coffee.
I'm definitely more of a tea person. There's something so soothing and ritualistic about brewing a warm cup of tea. I love experimenting with different varieties and flavors, from bold black teas to delicate green teas and fragrant herbal infusions. Coffee can be nice on occasion, but I find it's easy to overconsume and end up feeling jittery. With tea, I can savor the flavors and subtle energizing effects without any of the crash or acid reflux issues coffee sometimes gives me.
I like Ginger tea the most and in case I am not feeling well and have stomach cramps then I like to have cumin tea
It depends, there are times where I take tea and there are times where I take coffee. Though most times I tend to take coffee with milk in it. I don't always drink any of them though.
I prefer tea over coffee anytime, any day. I don't really like coffees like that, unless they are decaffeinated ones, then I might consider drinking it. But generally if there's the option of tea, I'll just take it.
I am neither a tea person or coffee person. I will have them for the sake of company and don't crave for either. My husband loves tea and makes wonderful tea. So, at home, my morning starts with ginger and milk tea prepared by him. When outside, I will go with whatever the others are having. But I need milk in my tea or coffee. I can't take black tea or black coffee. They are too strong for my palate