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Do you like to invest the money you earned?

Do you earn that from online forums or gigs?
I used to earn that as I was earning from different pay to post forums back then but these days I am earning less than $5 lol
I used to earn that as I was earning from different pay to post forums back then but these days I am earning less than $5 lol
Exactly, it can be very hard to make such amount on paid to post platforms nowadays.
Exactly, it can be very hard to make such amount on paid to post platforms nowadays.
That's right and in a way I lost interest too but I am trying to regain my interest and see if I can earn at least $20 to $30 if not more so I may start doing that from 1st June or maybe from tomorrow
Investing is an important way of making money that people are sleeping on. It makes more money for people while they are busy with other activities. I often try as much as possible to save, even if it is little.
Investing is not for all. If you don't know enough, it is the same as gambling.
Investing is not for all. If you don't know enough, it is the same as gambling.
Investing and gambling are two different things, the only way i feel it can be compared is the risk Factor. Besides that there are strategies for investing, while gambling simply relies on luck.
Investing and gambling are two different things, the only way i feel it can be compared is the risk Factor. Besides that there are strategies for investing, while gambling simply relies on luck.
Exactly. They are totally different. Investing doesn't have to do with luck whatsoever, as long as one makes thorough research and is convinced of what he is investing in.
Investing in stocks without proper knowledge is worse than gambling. During the pandemic, a lot of people who trusted mutual funds bit dust. Wars ruin markets beyond imagination. There was a split in a big company and the shares collapsed.

Business is gambling unless you know how to play it. There is a lot of uncertainity.
Investing is not gambling, you should learn about it and only then should invest and looking at the present conditions its important for everyone to learn and get into investing
True investing is completely different from gambling but in a situation where you have no idea how it works or what you are doing, then you are simply gambling.
Investing in stocks without proper knowledge is worse than gambling. During the pandemic, a lot of people who trusted mutual funds bit dust. Wars ruin markets beyond imagination. There was a split in a big company and the shares collapsed.

Business is gambling unless you know how to play it. There is a lot of uncertainity.
That your last paragraph says it all. One can know how to do business and gain from it, the same cannot be said about gambling though. Gambling is just a game of luck and chance, no one is an expert in it.
You are not contradicting me. I said investment without research / knowledge :)

The risk factor is high though. @Ginger hope you know what happened to Reliance when the younger Ambani decided to take his own way.

What happened to other ISPs when Jio landed. Tell me, what would save you in such cases?

completely different from gambling but in a situation where you have no idea how it works

I hope you know that professional gamblers will fight you with tooth and nail against that statement :)

There is a lot of mathematics and probability equations in play there
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