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Do you like exchanging some ideas with others


Active Contributor

Mar 21, 2024
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So for me l am that type of person that wouldn't decide to do a new thing before consulting three to four senior people on the same subject.
I realised that it's a very nice approach to embark on things as you can avoid unnecessary losses and predicaments that can arise when you just jump into the venture. What about you?
I don't see anything wrong with exchanging ideas with people. It is very important to have that ability.

No man is an island, and talking with others is a good way to be on the safe side of learning more instead of planning to do it alone.
When you approach people before taking up something, you get different perspectives with which you can use to weigh the entire idea. And you cut short your journey on that thing because you have had experiences of other people who had done that thing before you to learn from.
It's not bad to consult someone before doing something and this way you can save yourself from incurring unnecessary losses and troubles.
It depends on who am dealing with. There are some persons I consider it to be a waste having to discuss ideals cause they will never give me any valid ideas or contributions.
I like to share ideas only with those whom I know will not steal it or will definitely support me. I share the most with my sister, because she hardly understands what I do, so she supports me in everything
Absolutely, I really enjoy exchanging ideas and perspectives with others. Having an open dialogue where we can share different viewpoints and experiences is invaluable for expanding my understanding. I'm always eager to learn from those around me.
I'm someone who likes to meet high profile people and have meaningful discussions with them. Obviously this will lead to us exchange ideas and opportunities, which can improve our lives.
I like to share ideas with his wife and friends, because I know that they support me and can even give advice
As the saying goes: no man is an island of knowledge. It is necessary for people to rub minds together so that knowledge and ideas can be shared.
I don't have many ideas on the subject that someone could use to their advantage. I share with my boyfriend seven experiences of thoughts and problems. We solve it together and he supports me, so I share this because it is beneficial for me
As the saying goes: no man is an island of knowledge. It is necessary for people to rub minds together so that knowledge and ideas can be shared.
That is absolutely true. No matter what someone knows, there are still some things he will have very little knowledge of, and that's where others come in.
Yes, before implementing any new idea, I always consult some experienced people so that I may not experience loss. New ideas are always risky, so it's better to understand the pros and cons of them. We may not be able to do that 100%, but we may still be able to know a little a little about them.
No, I don't. The less human contact I have the better.
Exchanging ideals with others is also another way to bond with others and at the same time learn more and gain more experience in the things we do today.
I also like exchanging ideas with others, that is if the topic being discussed is interesting or else, I will stay away. It might be bothersome, or nonsense. It might be a waste of time. I better do activities online or clean my bedroom.
I find it more conveniently to exchange some Idea and the same time learning from them too
There is nothing wrong in taking opinions or advice at least from those who we know are good people and we can consult our family members too
I believe in the power of collaboration and I love to exchange ideas with people. You might not know what information and ideas that would be valuable to you that you can get from another smart person that you collaborate with.
So for me l am that type of person that wouldn't decide to do a new thing before consulting three to four senior people on the same subject.
I realised that it's a very nice approach to embark on things as you can avoid unnecessary losses and predicaments that can arise when you just jump into the venture. What about you?
Yes off course i like to do so because I always want to succeed and have so many experiences from others