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Do you have any addictions?

Ja sa bong


Sep 23, 2023
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Human beings have addiction on one thing or another. There are good addictions and bad addictions too. Do you think that you have more positive addictions than the negative addictions?

What's your worst addiction that you wish you can just snap your fingers and it's going to end?
I was addicted to spending money, particularly on shoes and clothes, at one point. My addiction came to a swift end when my money did :p
Cigarettes. Trying to get off of them. I love my pop too.
I was addicted to playing games while growing up. It was a period when I had a lot of time on my side, and gaming was a way to keep my body and soul active. As I became older, I had responsibilities that meant I couldn't play games as I would have wished to.
I'm addicted to caffeine for one thing. It's very bad. It's as bad as a tobacco addiction. Anyway, it's not about coffee, but about soda, especially Mountain Dew.
I used to be addicted to masturbation some years ago. It was very difficult getting over the addiction but I was happy to win against it.
I used to have smoking addiction few years ago. I started smoking when I was 17 years old. It was just recently I was able to stop quit the addiction.
I don't think I have any addictions.
I do have caffeine a lot but I don't think that is an addiction as I know when I have had enough caffeine.
I have a forum addiction!
A forum addiction is a healthy addiction. A lot of people who are suffering from drug addiction like Cannabis, hard drugs, alcoholic addiction would all be very happy if it was a forum addiction they had. Come to think of it, forums need more addicted persons to survive the competition.
No addictions yet, which is a real positive. I’ve known people to have addictions to drugs, alcohol and even smoking. Once you starts it’s very hard to stop! Everything is okay provided you do it in moderation
No addictions yet, which is a real positive. I’ve known people to have addictions to drugs, alcohol and even smoking. Once you starts it’s very hard to stop! Everything is okay provided you do it in moderation
Yes, this is why they call it addiction. It's never positive when whatever habit someone is involved with reaches to the stage of being an addiction. They can never do without doing that which they are addicted to. If it's drugs, they don't mind using their last money to buy and use.
I used to be afraid of becoming addicted to smoking and was even scared to try it for the first time, but I don't smoke now. And my biggest addiction was to gambling, but I was able to stop in time because I simply did not have the funds and it is good that I did not start borrowing them
I know how bad gambling addiction can become for someone who is deep into it. This is why I don't give into any kind of gambling acts. It doesn't matter how much I'm being pressured to join it that I'm going to win, I will never give into that temptations because that's how it starts.
I do not have any kind of addictions. When I was in my teens, I was addicted to books. I was so addicted that I avoided going to school functions like sports tournaments, annual day celebrations, etc. just because to stay home and read books. I not only read books but even bought books to read and collect.
There are positive addiction and negative addiction. If you ended up having positive addiction when you are a kid like reading books just like you have mentioned, it's a good thing. This is because you will be reading so much to acquire a lot of knowledge which helps you to grow.
I was addicted to spending money, particularly on shoes and clothes, at one point. My addiction came to a swift end when my money did :p
It is also a very difficult addiction because when there are no funds and you cannot spend on what you want, other addictions caused by the first one can start. Or even you could start stealing in order to keep spending those funds.
This is the problem with being addicted to something which needs money for it to be sponsored. It will get to the point where the person will sell whatever he or she have to get money in order to spend on his or her addiction. Addiction is so bad that it can get you killed.
I used to vape years ago. It was a serious addiction because I couldn't stop no matter what I did. I'll throw everything away but will go back and buy it again.