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Do you follow a Routine in your daily life?



Mar 23, 2024
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I do follow a routine in my daily life and I stick with it at least during the weekdays but since I don't need to follow that on weekends, I do what I want on weekends.

Do you follow a Routine in your daily life?
I do not have a specific routine I follow on a daily basis. This is because anything can happen at anytime.
I guess when you have to deal with an offline job then you need to follow some sort of routine
Yea I have so many things I have to deal with online and offline, so I can't really keep a routine since my schedule tends to clash most times.
For me l am really trying that one but l find myself failing yo do so. I really find that so difficulty to me.
it all depends on a situation like what we experienced during the pandemic, we lost track of our daily routine. We cannot do the same things everyday.
I have always followed routines and somehow I do like to follow these at least on work days
The routines in my life are not permanent, especially during weekends and holidays except during work time and travel.
Yes, I follow a routine. It's a different routine on weekdays and a slightly different one on weekends. I like to stick to my routine. That keeps my life on track and balanced, else it might get overwhelming to do so much in life
When you have a regular offline job you have to follow a certain daily routine so do I. I have to get up in the morning and have to take breakfast at specific time and have to everything on time to reach office.
I don't follow any routine and just like to go with the flow and dislike to follow any routine
I don't follow any routine and just like to go with the flow and dislike to follow any routine

You are wrong , we all should have some discipline in our life. If you don't have any daily routine , then you must try to have it.
I am doing ok even without any daily routine so I don't going to change anything
You must be doing fine now but that's not good in long run so you should try to change yourself for improvement.
I try to follow routines in my daily life so that I would be able to achieve the myriad of things that I need to achieve on a daily. If I freestyle, I might end up achieving nothing everyday.
I try to follow routines in my daily life so that I would be able to achieve the myriad of things that I need to achieve on a daily. If I freestyle, I might end up achieving nothing everyday.

That's what I wanted to say. If we don't have any routine we won't do anything. It's necessary to have a routine and plans and targets to keep ourself engaged.
I do like to follow routines in my daily life and even on Sundays I have some sort of routine to do this for some time or have a nap during this time
It's a proved medical fact that our body rhythms are so important for proper physiological functioning of our body. Having a good lifestyle and a healthy body rhythms helps with a good health in the long run. And last but not the least, it does bring a discipline in life. That comes with many more benefits.
For working folks its good to have a daily routine and its not tough for them to follow it as they need to follow it because of their job
Once you are into a routine because of your work, it is tough to break that even after the retirement. I have seen many people who have stayed in the discipline after retirement too. And it's helpful in a way for them to stay engaged and even healthy in ripe age