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Do you ever wish there were more hours in a day?



Sep 23, 2023
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I have been so busy lately I often wish there were more hours in a day so I could get more done. Tuesday's are always super busy for me with me doing most of my shopping on the day and also doing other things I need to and it can leave me feeling as though I do not have as much time as I would like.

Do you ever wish there were more hours in the day? What would you do if you had more hours to use?
The only time I wish there were more hours in a day is during the weekends. :p No matter how long it is, time just flies. So, every Sunday I wish I get another 24 hours to enjoy doing the things I love to do before Monday hits lol.
The only time I wish there were more hours in a day is during the weekends. :p No matter how long it is, time just flies. So, every Sunday I wish I get another 24 hours to enjoy doing the things I love to do before Monday hits lol.
It is relative to that this is the time that you spend with your friends and family. But I could say that it is not an ideal time for many people because they work on weekends like part-time jobs or seasonal or on the Internet.
I don't think that having more hours during the day is going to bring a lot of changes. For me, making effective use of your time everyday is far more better than trying to spend more hours doing nothing. I even think that, if we are to have more hours during the day, a lot of people may die as a result of their heart overworking.
Yes, I always wish there were more hours in a day. If you are always busy throughout the day, it will obvious to you that the 24 hours which we have in a day is not usually enough for you to finish all that you need to do in a day. It's when you're less busy that it would be as if 24 hours is big.
When I was a child, when I just played for whole days, it seemed to me that the day was so long and I had enough hours during the day, but when I became an adult, time passed faster and faster and now even 24 hours feel like 15, and of course I would like to have more hours, but against you can't do anything against nature
24 hours does not even feel like it's up to 15 hours in my eyes. I don't even sleep enough and it's the next morning. Everything moves so fast now to me because of how busy I have to see myself become every day. I can't finish all I needed to do in a day now which is very challenging.
I frequently have this feeling that there were extra hours. This though come to me when I have a lot of assignments to do and the deadline is near and I wish for more hours to complete my assignments. But then I guess even when there were more than 24 hours in a day, I would still have this thought to have additional work hours.
Yes, as long as you're working without stopping, the need to have more hours in a day will always be there. This is because you will never have enough time to complete what you are working on. So, with more hours to add in the 24 hours in a day, it will give more chance to do more.
I wish for more hours in a day too because it means I can make more money in a day by having more hours to work and earn. I want this because I work where I'm paid well by the hour.
I wish for more hours in a day too because it means I can make more money in a day by having more hours to work and earn. I want this because I work where I'm paid well by the hour.

Making more money is one of the reason why a lot of people are dedicating hours working every day. If it is possible for them to have more hours in a day in order to ensure the possibility of making more money, they will always take that option because it means they are financially going to grow more.
Making more money is one of the reason why a lot of people are dedicating hours working every day. If it is possible for them to have more hours in a day in order to ensure the possibility of making more money, they will always take that option because it means they are financially going to grow more.

For sure, it's why money is one of most chased commodity by human beings. We need money to do almost everything. This why people do nearly anything for money.
Sometimes but if it's been a bad day I can't wait until it's over.
Sometimes but if it's been a bad day I can't wait until it's over.
In this case, I would rather agree that the day would be much shorter, for example 18 hours, but that every day would be good and in my opinion it would be much better than just having more hours but the days would be the same
I actually thought I was the only one who wished this. Most of the times, I usually wished there where more hours. This is when I have a lot of work to do and so little time to sort them out.
I actually thought I was the only one who wished this. Most of the times, I usually wished there where more hours. This is when I have a lot of work to do and so little time to sort them out.
to me, time is the same as a game, because even if there is more time, you will still work more and not rest more. It will never be enough
to me, time is the same as a game, because even if there is more time, you will still work more and not rest more. It will never be enough
Yes that's very true. The more time we have, the more activities we might end up doing, which brings us back to square one of not having enough time.
I would always advocate that the 24 hours regime should be adjusted to just 30 hours. There are lots of tasks to complete, lots of money making programs and then, other things like family still drags that time. Honestly, 24 hours is truly not enough.
The fact is that even if we have 100 hours in a day we humans will still complain that it is not enough. So what is paramount is that we make the best use of the 24 hours we have in a day and use it for something that is tangible and productive.
I don't want more hours in the day because then my boss would want me to work longer shifts.