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Do you drink liquor?


Off The Mark

Mar 18, 2024
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I am so curious if there are members here who like to drink hard liquor. For the men, they feel like macho if drink liquor. They can also express themselves better when get drunk. Some young men drink liquor during courtship. They can express their love to the girl of their dreams and only liquor can give them the energy and gut. In my case, I never drink liquor. Dribkog liquor moderately can also give some health benefits like red wine. What do you think?
I don't see any such benefit of Red wine but I do have it occasionally so I am not dependent upon it for energy or to perform any task while I am in it's influence.
That is so good to hear that you seldom drink red wine. We can drink only moderately. I have not tasted it though. I don't want it to become my boss.
I do like some liquors but will admit, I am not someone who tends to drink alcohol often.

One of my favourite liquors is Bailey's Irish Cream and I just found out today that they have released a limited edition flavour which is mint choc that I am hoping to try.
I sometimes drink beer and wine but not other hard spirits like whiskey, rum, vodka, or even tequila. I drink only when I am partying, on normal days, I don't drink any kind of alcoholic drinks. I am a sober person
Yes I do but only during weekends or on special occasions and I know when to stop.
I don't like drinking anything that contains alcohol. Besides the health issues it might cause when we drink too much, I grew up in a home where drinking is not allowed, so I guess I took that teaching very seriously. A lot of people made fun of me about it though but I never let that get to me..
Yes I do drink liquor but not on a regular basis. I'm just like you said moderation is very very important, so whenever I drink I usually make sure that I don't pass my limit so that I don't get drunk and start misbehaving because that can be very embarrassing.
If alcohol is what gives a man the guts to approach a ladye, such a man should re assess his manliness. I have not taken alcohol lately in almost about 5 years. And I don't even feel like taking it. I have had peace with myself because of that decision because money that would have been spent on alcohol stays in my pocket and I use it for something better.
Yess I love drinking liquor. It helps me to manage stress when I am having a really hectic day. Even better when it is with some of my friends!
I do but only on special occasions so I am not habitual to have it daily

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