Discussion Hub

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Do you depend on people's advice for decision making?

I have cases when I am so confused in a difficult situation that any advice I hear will be the only correct one for me. I understand that this should not be done because this person will never understand us, but I am trying to listen to some advice in order to make the right decision
Of course, no tree can make a forest. No man is an island, so it is necessary to seek for advice once in a every now and then.
for the first try ,but after that I can make my own decision
Even for the first try, there's nothing bad in listening to some people's advice. Just that you can't depend on it everytime.
Even if we make wrong decisions, we should try to take our own decisions
There are people who are more dependent on other people's advice and suggestions to start a new job/business or buy a property, whereas there are people who hide it from others because they think they will be misguided and take their own decisions by referring to other sources like the internet for it.
If you ask me, I am the person who doesn't hide things from others and always welcomes advice and suggestions from others. What about you? Do you believe in the advice of others?
No I doesn't because people aren't trustworthy
We should not depend upon anyone's advice and should make our own decisions and even if we make wrong choices we will learn from that
No. I still make my own informed and smart decisions that they tend to work so appropriately.
There are times that I depend on the advice of others when I am not so sure of my plan and decision. Two or three heads are better than one head.
There are a few things for which I expect an advice from my friends or colleagues but other than that I prefer to make all my decisions
As I am now, I am a man of my own. I know what I want out of every situation and I would always make my decisions based on what I think is best for me. I don't let people's opinions be the basis for my decisions.
I depend very much on their advice because for some reason it seems to me that when I make a decision myself, it is mostly wrong and other people can help. But it was never true because they don't understand my situation and won't be able to help
I have a mind of my own and I don't depend so much on the advice of people. I take people's perspective and weigh them to see how sound they could be. And if they are, I can easily adopt them. That's the much I do with the opinions of others.
Yes I depends on people advise but not always because I seek advise from different people for me to have different opinions and views
Not at all. I make my own decisions. I’m always open for ideas and suggestions, but in the end, I make my own decisions.
This is the best way possible. We should take everyone's ideas and suggestions and should take our own decision and our decisions should never be influenced by other person