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Do you depend on people's advice for decision making?



Apr 30, 2024
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There are people who are more dependent on other people's advice and suggestions to start a new job/business or buy a property, whereas there are people who hide it from others because they think they will be misguided and take their own decisions by referring to other sources like the internet for it.
If you ask me, I am the person who doesn't hide things from others and always welcomes advice and suggestions from others. What about you? Do you believe in the advice of others?
Well, not exactly 100% dependent on the advice. For me to look for people's advice, it means that I actually want their contribution before I make a decision. So I put together all the advice and come at a reasonable conclusion on my own.
There are times when I do seek advice from others before making certain decisions, but I do not always depend on that.
There are times when I do seek advice from others before making certain decisions, but I do not always depend on that.
Yeah can't be depending on others to constantly tell us how to live our lives. It is our main responsibility.
Exactly, if we keep on depending on others, it shows we are not growing and not mature enough to handle certain responsibilities.
Exactly, if we keep on depending on others, it shows we are not growing and not mature enough to handle certain responsibilities.
Yeah, we have to man up to our decisions, not wait for some outsiders to keep telling us what to do.
Not at all. I make my own decisions. I’m always open for ideas and suggestions, but in the end, I make my own decisions.
Not at all. I make my own decisions. I’m always open for ideas and suggestions, but in the end, I make my own decisions.

Most of the people are like that. I also received suggestions from the people but at the end I make decisions which I like the most.
Not at all. I make my own decisions. I’m always open for ideas and suggestions, but in the end, I make my own decisions.
That is what an adult life should be. We can welcome ideas, advice and suggestions, but ultimately the decision lies with us because we'll be the ones who will bear the responsibility of such decisions.
That is what an adult life should be. We can welcome ideas, advice and suggestions, but ultimately the decision lies with us because we'll be the ones who will bear the responsibility of such decisions.

No, there are adults who are dependent on what others say, they don't have their self decisions and curse others if the things get wrong.
No, there are adults who are dependent on what others say, they don't have their self decisions and curse others if the things get wrong.
Well that's not a good way to live life. How long will such adults live like that? Their lack of responsibility will be their undoing.
No, there are adults who are dependent on what others say, they don't have their self decisions and curse others if the things get wrong.
Yes I have come across so many people like this, they have actually succeeded in limiting themselves to a particular spot.
Yes I have come across so many people like this, they have actually succeeded in limiting themselves to a particular spot.

They can't think outside the box and are dependent on what others think. We should always try to make our own decisions.
They can't think outside the box and are dependent on what others think. We should always try to make our own decisions.
Exactly, that's what makes us adults after all. Besides, those people who make decisions for others will not take responsibility for the consequences of such decisions in their behalf.
Absolutely, we should not blame them once we fail because they didn't say to rely on their decision blindly.
It depends if its a thing of which I am not much aware and if I am then I don't need to ask anyone for advice
Absolutely, we should not blame them once we fail because they didn't say to rely on their decision blindly.
Exactly what they are only doing is give us advice. So it is up to us to utilize such advice and come to a reasonable decision on our own.
We need to take our own decisions because there will be time when we won't see anyone available for advice
I have cases when I am so confused in a difficult situation that any advice I hear will be the only correct one for me. I understand that this should not be done because this person will never understand us, but I am trying to listen to some advice in order to make the right decision