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Valentine's 2024 Do you decorate for Valentine's Day?



Sep 23, 2023
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This is not something I ever remember doing but nowadays, many people tend to decorate for Valentine's Day and I have even seen some use their Christmas trees to decorate for Valentine's Day which I do feel is pretty cool but I would get tired of having my Christmas tree out for too long.

Do you decorate for Valentine's Day?
Hello, for me Valentine's Day is something that could be a bad day because you could remember you celebrate with someone who is not in the measure that you have expected in the past and you trust this person and when you remember this you feel like sad, but you could forget this a little as you know someone how is in the measure nowadays.
I think we decorate for every holiday and Valentine's Day is no exception :) I even change my TV backlights red during the month :)
Yes! The minute we take down the Christmas decorations, the front door gets a heart wreath and several valentine's day decorations go up in the wall and on top of the fireplace. ❤️
We are staying in different states so we won't be decorating. Rather we are thinking of bringing a small cake/cupcake, with a candle on it, blowing it while on a video call together, and having it thinking we are giving it to each other. 😊
We are staying in different states so we won't be decorating. Rather we are thinking of bringing a small cake/cupcake, with a candle on it, blowing it while on a video call together, and having it thinking we are giving it to each other. 😊
This is a great idea! very romantic since you will be far away from each other. I hope you guys get to see each other soon.