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Do you belong to a broken family?

I still see my mother in the memories and think the things would have been different if she were alive.
Mother and father are both important but we all have more liking towards our mother
Those kids who belong to a broken family cannot feel the love from their parents. As if they're left alone broken. Some kids turn to drugs, others were sent to orphanage.Before getting onto marriage life, it's essential to know each others feelings if final.
I think we should stop all these unnecessary judgements. It is these kinds of judgements that would make people stay and be killed in an abusive marriage. If a marriage is not working, people should learn to walk away. The kids are not enough reason to stay in an abusive marriage. @eLdavis, remember the Nigerian Osinachi that died because of an abusive marriage. I believe that she was thinking about her kids and she stayed in that marriage and died. And we have lost her forever. There are so many kids from broken homes that grew up to be role models and award winning kids. We should stop the stereotyping of kids from separated marriages. It would make people to endure abusive marriages and die. I have seen kids, a lot of them, whose parents are together but they don't feel that love. By the way, I am not from a broken family.
You are right @King Belieal while no one really wants to experience divorce but there are certain cases where this might be the best option. I have seen several cases where people don't want to divorce because of their religion and all that but the truth of the matter is your life matters a lot as well. Don't use religion and end up killing yourself. Yes it might affect the children, but there are still cases of children who still grew up well. Just be careful before going into marriage in the first place. Take time to know and understand who you are dating and if it the end it still turns out like this, dont be scared to take the right action.
I know of a few that are from a broken families and I feel pity for them and it was all because of the mother of that boy and her parents, I would not like to get into the details
My neighbor's kids belong to a broken family. Their mother married another and their father felt so hopeless that he almost committed suicide. The kids are grown up now but one of them was jailed because of a robbery case, the young kid, age 15 got pregnant and lived in misery. I pity these kids,
@Scorpion that happens when kids are not taken care of or the family is broken. I also pity for the kids of your neighbor.
@Scorpion that happens when kids are not taken care of or the family is broken. I also pity for the kids of your neighbor.
The fate of the kids of my neighbor shattered. They better haven't born if only live in misery. They should have been brought to the child's protection services, but none did the initiative perhaps afraid of their irresponsible father.
I hate such parents who don't look after their kids. Normally, this happens with kids whose parents get separated for any reason. I am fortunate that my father remarried; at least we had stepmother to look after us.
They're irresponsible parents. They don't deserve be called parents. Our neighbors always feed the kids. Our home is fenced they can't enter to ask for food. We also have ferocious dogs ready to bite and fight.
@Scorpion that happens when kids are not taken care of or the family is broken. I also pity for the kids of your neighbor.
Though some usually end up pretty well and due to what they have been through they put in extra effort to ensure their children does not go through that, but there are also cases like this where the whole family just ends up falling apart.
Most of the family fall apart when there is divorce. I have seen it with many of the kids. Kids have a bad childhood when their parents are separated.
The fate of the kids of my neighbor shattered. They better haven't born if only live in misery. They should have been brought to the child's protection services, but none did the initiative perhaps afraid of their irresponsible father.
With all due respect, all you have been posting on this thread doesn't add up. You have been spreading too much negativity. Let me tell you something. Do you know that kids that kids that grew up with a single father end up to be better individuals than kids that grew up with both parents? If you doubt me, I would bring up 10 statistical studies that were conducted to get that result.
I know what I am talking about being a researcher. Proceed with what you know. We have different paths of experiences. It doesn't mean that I am citing my own view based on experience made me wrong and you right? Get me?
The truth of the matter is that it is not written in stones. There are times where these kids even turn out better than others. Due to what they have experienced while growing up, they make it their personal mission not to let their future kids or anyone around them go through that. While there are some cases where they end up becoming something else in the society. Most times the environment and the people around them can also influence how things turn out.
I am very fortunate to grow up in a joint family that was very protective. Yes, it was not flawless, but everyone loved and cared for each other. I lost my dad at the age of 2. So, I really missed a father. My mom chose to stay single and bring her children up. Both sets of my grandparents were wonderful and I was very close to them.
I know what I am talking about being a researcher. Proceed with what you know. We have different paths of experiences. It doesn't mean that I am citing my own view based on experience made me wrong and you right? Get me?
You have been one sided. I always stand for a balanced view on issues as sensitive as this. Broken homes are not good. It is bad for the mental development of the kids. But there are some instances that even a non broken home would damage kids more. I still maintain my stance though that single dads raise the best individuals even more than individuals raised by moms and dads. I have stats to prove that.
This did not happen, but my parents always quarreled a lot. It was difficult for me as a child, but as soon as my sisters and brothers and I grew up and started an independent life, my parents stopped fighting and now they have a very good relationship, but this situation still affected all of us
It is not easy to see our parents fighting. Our eyes cannot believe it but once we grow mature and responsible to be independent, that is the time to feel a brand new self but the remains the shadow of the present that may connect to the future.