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Do you allow multiple accounts on your forum?


Off The Mark

Oct 4, 2023
Reaction score
I have witnessed some forum owners who doesn't have any problems with a member having multiple accounts in their forum as long as they are not doing anything bad with those accounts and they informed him before creating those accounts.

Do you see anything wrong in allowing multiple accounts or it's not necessary?
We have a very strict one-account policy here on DH. I don’t see the benefit in allowing multiple accounts.
I don’t like messing with the UIDs so I skip the testing different user groups part :p
Well, I mean when it comes to restricting troublemakers on a large forum, easier done via user groups and user group permissions. Of course we cross that bridge when we come to it :p
I don't allow multiple accounts on my forums, the only time I think it's fine is on a roleplaying forum.
I've made the stance that one account is more than enough for a member in my forum. This is why I have a strict policy against using multiple accounts.
I've made the stance that one account is more than enough for a member in my forum. This is why I have a strict policy against using multiple accounts.
Yeah it’s reasonable to want to uphold a standard of integrity on your forum
I don't think that it is right to let users have more than one account on your forum. If you let this happen, then it is going to make users take advantage of such, especially when you have a contest that you want to run on your forum. So, it is fair to make a user have just one account.
In terms of multiple accounts, I do not mind accounts for different members of the same household but two accounts for the same person is where I draw the line.

The only reason I could think you would need two accounts or more on a forum would be to cause issues. Unless I am told otherwise that it is a family member in the same house, I tend to question why two accounts or more have been registered
In terms of multiple accounts, I do not mind accounts for different members of the same household but two accounts for the same person is where I draw the line.

The only reason I could think you would need two accounts or more on a forum would be to cause issues. Unless I am told otherwise that it is a family member in the same house, I tend to question why two accounts or more have been registered

If it is two accounts for two different persons of the same household, I don't see anything wrong with that. The key thing is to verify that they are two different persons. One person having two accounts will always cause issues, and that is why I wouldn't let it happen on a forum that I manage as well. Do you think I am doing the right thing?
It is possible that a member is permanently banned be back with another membership or even banned for a long period like one month or two months but the essential is that this member doesn't do the old practice that let him banned after we ask him if he world continue with old or new membership after a period of ban is gone but if this is not banned user such practice is not allowed. I am not talking about DH as not a staff member here.
In my opinion, allowing multiple accounts can lead to abuse and deceit. It creates an unfair advantage for certain individuals, undermines the credibility of discussions, and may encourage spamming or trolling. It is generally better to have a policy against multiple accounts to maintain a fair and authentic community environment.
In my opinion, allowing multiple accounts can lead to abuse and deceit. It creates an unfair advantage for certain individuals, undermines the credibility of discussions, and may encourage spamming or trolling. It is generally better to have a policy against multiple accounts to maintain a fair and authentic community environment.
The same family members could be on one place like Facebook, but some sites requires KYC and prevent multiple account, then it loses sense that family members join the same platform like Tiktok if such practice of not allowing multiple account, it could be shown from other vision.
No, I do not allow multiple accounts on my forums. The only person who has the right to create multiple accounts and has done this frequently is me. When I launch a forum, I create multiple accounts and start posting through these accounts to give an impression that my form already has activities and users.
I don't own a forum, but I didn't know if I would have allowed multiple accounts or not. Why the person needs to create multiple accounts is not understood by me. What will he get from it?. I can relate it to people having multiple phone numbers, which are usually fake.
Multiple accounts can be used by trolls who want to pack attack a member or to give themselves likes. This should never be allowed.
Multiple accounts can be used by trolls who want to pack attack a member or to give themselves likes. This should never be allowed.
Or by the admin who wants to improve engagement especially when the forum is very new. When I create forums, I create a couple of accounts to create posts so that when I start promoting my forum looks active.
Or by the admin who wants to improve engagement especially when the forum is very new. When I create forums, I create a couple of accounts to create posts so that when I start promoting my forum looks active.

That's fine, because in a new forum, you need to engage users, and if you do it with different accounts, it looks real. Is there any forum that allows multiple accounts? I don't think there is anything bad in it unless the site pays for the references.
I don't have a forum, but if I had one I don't think I would allow members to have multiple accounts. It does not really make sense to me the way I see it.