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Did you have a toy that you dreamed about as a child, but you never bought it?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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I had enough toys in my childhood, so I didn't even dare to dream about another one. But modern children want more and more new toys and their parents do not refuse them and will buy them almost every day. Have you ever had a toy that you wanted but didn't buy it?
Sure! I didn't buy them because my parents didn't give me the money. lol
My dream of toys when I was still a child is enormous and there is no way my parents will be able to buy all of the toys that I wanted because there was plenty of them which are expensive too. They did manage to buy me some of the toys I wanted which made my childhood to be memorable as I was very happy for that.
My dream of toys when I was still a child is enormous and there is no way my parents will be able to buy all of the toys that I wanted because there was plenty of them which are expensive too. They did manage to buy me some of the toys I wanted which made my childhood to be memorable as I was very happy for that.
I also wanted a lot and I even understood a little bit that my parents wouldn't be able to buy me all of them, so I had to choose the best and preferably the cheapest one, but one that I could enjoy for a long time.
I also wanted a lot and I even understood a little bit that my parents wouldn't be able to buy me all of them, so I had to choose the best and preferably the cheapest one, but one that I could enjoy for a long time.

I know that there are some kids who are not fortunate to even get a single toys when they were growing up but I managed to get some of the toys that I wanted. As a result of that, I never put any much pressure on my parents because I was brought up well at a very young age to understand that life is not always a bed of roses.
Yes, there were many. A specific toy gun was one of them. I was told not to get it because it is dangerous. I understood that is right when I grew up and never tried to buy it.
For me it was not really a toy but a game. It was Gameboy advance. I had always dreamed of owning one, and my dad actually promised to get me one, but sadly he passed away before he could fulfill that promise.
Yes, there were many. A specific toy gun was one of them. I was told not to get it because it is dangerous. I understood that is right when I grew up and never tried to buy it.
I had exactly the same situations and I also understand that they were right because if they had bought me then I would have definitely injured myself. And they also told me that there is so much evil in the world and I don't need more weapons, even toy ones, because that would make me a cruel person
When I was little, I desperately wanted one of those Deluxe Barbie Dream Houses. I pored over the catalog images and begged my parents for one every holiday. However, with a modest income and multiple kids, it was simply too expensive of a toy. While disappointed at the time, I now understand and appreciate that my parents made reasonable choices.
As a child, like any other girl, I loved playing with dolls and wanted my parents to buy me a popular Barbie at the time, but they didn't have the money. But now I understand that those dolls were not so cool and I definitely would not have played with them for a very long time
Sadly, many things I wanted to get, and were able to get, were very disappointing.
I wasn't really privileged to have choice toys growing up. My parents couldn't afford to buy me a hand computer game and I couldn't afford them either. I had to make do with having to share with people who owned the game.
I had to give up my desires because my parents were not wealthy. I often wanted to acquire new clothes but was unable to express my desires to my parents. But now that I know that not all of my wishes can be satisfied, I don't mind.
Sure! I didn't buy them because my parents didn't give me the money. lol
Hahaha same here, I had to improvise though. I started cutting forms form chairs then cut them the shape of humans, though no fingers and faces, but I would paint them with ink to make it look like spiderman, superman and the likes. They where always shouting at me for cutting the forms though 😂
Hahaha same here, I had to improvise though. I started cutting forms form chairs then cut them the shape of humans, though no fingers and faces, but I would paint them with ink to make it look like spiderman, superman and the likes. They where always shouting at me for cutting the forms though 😂
Like homemade toys? :)
Lol yes, the funny thing was that my friends wanted me to make for them, and some even paid me money to have theirs. Hehe
haha That's awesome! Do you still have any?
haha That's awesome! Do you still have any?
Nah we moved from that house a very long time ago, so I don't have any, and am not so sure I would even be able to to do it again. Anyways have never tried.
Hahaha same here, I had to improvise though. I started cutting forms form chairs then cut them the shape of humans, though no fingers and faces, but I would paint them with ink to make it look like spiderman, superman and the likes. They where always shouting at me for cutting the forms though 😂
Now that's what I call creativity! Why buy toys when you can just make them right from home?
Now that's what I call creativity! Why buy toys when you can just make them right from home?
Haha exactly, though I was always receiving a lot of shouts, since I was always cutting form from chairs and beds.