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Valentine's 2024 Did you ever send anonymous Valentine's cards?



Sep 23, 2023
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Something I always remember doing as a kid at school was sending random Valentine's cards to others and they would have to guess who sent them. Many of us did it in school and it made Valentine's Day in school a lot of fun.

Have you ever sent random Valentine's cards in the past? How did they react?
That is a pretty neat thing to do as kids, unfortunately we never did that! 😞 If I was to do that now as an adult, I think it may be seen as a bit... creepy?
That is a pretty neat thing to do as kids, unfortunately we never did that! 😞 If I was to do that now as an adult, I think it may be seen as a bit... creepy?

I never had such an experience as kids. I am someone that would have loved to have that kind of experience considering the fact that I love to surprise the ones that I love and cherish and sending that kind of cards on valentine's day would have been awesome.
That is a pretty neat thing to do as kids, unfortunately we never did that! 😞 If I was to do that now as an adult, I think it may be seen as a bit... creepy?
It depends because if you have one partner in your life then surely he will guess how to send a Valentine's card but in childhood, a person could be friends with multiple people which let makes sense in this period of life but as an adult you have only one.
I've never sent an anonymous Valentine's card but during my childhood, once I had a crush on one of the girls in my street. So, on Valentine's Day, I took my mom's necklace and tied it to her home's door handle. xD I don't know how she reacted. I don't even know if she got it lol. That was so silly of me. Luckily, it was one of those necklaces that looked like a gold necklace but it wasn't actually. Or my mom would've killed me xD.
I've never sent an anonymous Valentine's card but during my childhood, once I had a crush on one of the girls in my street. So, on Valentine's Day, I took my mom's necklace and tied it to her home's door handle. xD I don't know how she reacted. I don't even know if she got it lol. That was so silly of me. Luckily, it was one of those necklaces that looked like a gold necklace but it wasn't actually. Or my mom would've killed me xD.
It is something normal at a young age as we are discovering things from scratch to send anonymous Valentine's gift cards. The majority of us have tried this before at least once. But when you grow up you realize that it is no longer meaningful as before.
I did it for the first and only time because I really liked the girl and I wanted to tell her about it, so I sent the card anonymously just to see how she would react, and when I saw that she just pulled it out in class and remembered, I didn't start saying anymore that it's from me