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Sep 23, 2023
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Have you ever experienced depression? How did you deal with it? This is a very sensitive topic for many so please be mindful of what you say.
I struggled with major depression and self harm as a teenager. All I wanted to do was sleep I’m dealing with life a bit better but I still have my scars
I struggled with major depression and self harm as a teenager. All I wanted to do was sleep I’m dealing with life a bit better but I still have my scars
I’m very sorry about that. Teenage depression is the worst man. I hear you. Thankfully I didn’t self harm though. Hope you recover from this, fingers crossed for you 🤞💐 !!! Here’s a tulip🌷
I’m very sorry about that. Teenage depression is the worst man. I hear you. Thankfully I didn’t self harm though. Hope you recover from this, fingers crossed for you 🤞💐 !!! Here’s a tulip🌷
Thank you I’ve overcome a lot of things and I haven’t self harmed in years. I thought about getting a tattoo to cover it up
I struggled with major depression and self harm as a teenager. All I wanted to do was sleep I’m dealing with life a bit better but I still have my scars
I’m sorry that you went through that and I’m glad you’re doing better now :)
I never used to struggle with depression until around 9 - 10 years ago. I unfortunately ended up in a mentally abusive relationship but stuck it out due to my kids and never said anything. I suffered for over 10 years that led to a lot of mental health issues including depression as well as other health issues as well.

I finally spoke out in November 2014 and he left in February 2015 and I have been free from him since. I am in a much better relationship now but I still suffer from that relationship.
I never used to struggle with depression until around 9 - 10 years ago. I unfortunately ended up in a mentally abusive relationship but stuck it out due to my kids and never said anything. I suffered for over 10 years that led to a lot of mental health issues including depression as well as other health issues as well.

I finally spoke out in November 2014 and he left in February 2015 and I have been free from him since. I am in a much better relationship now but I still suffer from that relationship.
I’m so sorry that you went through that. Nobody deserves to be in a relationship like that but I am proud of you for speaking out and doing right by yourself. The most important thing is that you are happy now.
I never used to struggle with depression until around 9 - 10 years ago. I unfortunately ended up in a mentally abusive relationship but stuck it out due to my kids and never said anything. I suffered for over 10 years that led to a lot of mental health issues including depression as well as other health issues as well.

I finally spoke out in November 2014 and he left in February 2015 and I have been free from him since. I am in a much better relationship now but I still suffer from that relationship.
So sorry to hear this :( It’s true, abusive relationships really cause trauma and can impact other relationships and friendships even if you don’t realise it, with the damaged trust and unpleasant memories. So I hope you are getting the support you need to overcome that.

The most important thing is you survived. Here’re some flowers for you, my friend 💐 We haven’t caught up in a while btw, so I’m glad to see you here 🥰🥰 🥰 You’re more than welcome to PM me for a chat. 🍻 Or even if you need to vent or a shoulder, always there as a friend 🌹
I've had it on and off for most of my life. :/
I've experienced it at some point in my life and I attribute it to many causes like failed relationship and friends who turned traitors and financial struggles..I may look good in front of friends but deep inside I struggle both emotionally and physically... I had hair loss and weight loss. I am glad I was able to recover. I still contact that friend until now but we haven't seen each other nor talk for more than 20 years.
I've experienced it at some point in my life and I attribute it to many causes like failed relationship and friends who turned traitors and financial struggles..I may look good in front of friends but deep inside I struggle both emotionally and physically... I had hair loss and weight loss. I am glad I was able to recover. I still contact that friend until now but we haven't seen each other nor talk for more than 20 years.
So sorry to hear. I’ve had many friends drift apart which affected me mentally until I found new ones. But betrayal is much harder to recover from. Trust is so fragile and delicate and once broken, it starts to affect the rest of your relationships. Hope you get the support you need. :(
I've never been depressed but I've known what it feels like from my cousin's experience. His own was very bad because he was suicidal. He attempted twice but wasn't successful. I wish depression have a switch off button, I would have paid anything to switch it off in his life.
I’ve attempted a few times but was not successful. I’m on new medication and it’s really made a difference in my life but for the most part is not medication but talk therapy helps a lot
I’ve attempted a few times but was not successful. I’m on new medication and it’s really made a difference in my life but for the most part is not medication but talk therapy helps a lot
I'm so sorry to hear about that. I can't imagine what one would be passing through to think taking his or her life is the best way forward and to even attempt it. Talk therapy session is a charm.
I'm so sorry to hear about that. I can't imagine what one would be passing through to think taking his or her life is the best way forward and to even attempt it. Talk therapy session is a charm.
I’ve got a referral for some talk therapy soon we want to get to the root of my symptoms so I can decrease my medication so fingers crossed that I get to see someone really good at her job
I’m so sorry to hear about the mere thought of taking your life. Have you guys considered antidepressants?
There is no human being that didn't experienced depression. I had some pretty bad depression but it is solved with human contact, socialization.
There is no human being that didn't experienced depression. I had some pretty bad depression but it is solved with human contact, socialization.
That’s a simplistic way of putting it - I think you may be confusing depression with sadness. Sadness is an emotion that everyone experiences, depression on the other hand, is much deeper and has a greater impact on a person. People often say “I’m depressed” when they’re sad which devalues the seriousness of depression. I’m not disagreeing that you have experienced depression but not everyone experiences it. Also, I don’t think depression is as simple as ‘solving’ it with socialisation. Sure, it helps, and may be the ‘solution’ for some people, but it’s a lot more complex than just that.
I had very serious depression, close to clinical and they offered hospitalization which I refused. The idea was to hang out with other people there so I have more interaction with humans. I was suggested to do that as well by myself. To go and train something etc. And it worked.