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Countries you’d like to visit


Off The Mark

Oct 6, 2023
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What are some countries you would like to visit one day? Do you plan on visiting any in the near future?
kenya to go on safari and see the big 5. it is actually on my bucket list of things to do

america to visit disney and vegas

italy because I just love the accent

fear of flying though. never left the UK yet
I’d love to go to the US one day but I don’t have any plans to go there at the moment. Dubai would also be cool to go to.
Japan, South Korea, Bahamas, Italy and Australia will be the countries I'd love to visit in my life time before I die.
I don't want to leave my country. I'm very good where I'm at. Travelling isn't one of my strongest suits. I'm lazy when it comes to travelling.
I'd love to go visit South Korea one day.
It's always been a place I want to visit as it is a beautiful place.
Australia is another country I want to visit for the summertime there.
I want to go on a world tour and visit as many countries as I can. I know one lifetime is not enough to explore everything about each and every country but I would love to visit some of the famous ones like South Korea, the UK, the USA, Singapore, Japan, China, Switzerland, etc.
I want to go on a world tour and visit as many countries as I can. I know one lifetime is not enough to explore everything about each and every country but I would love to visit some of the famous ones like South Korea, the UK, the USA, Singapore, Japan, China, Switzerland, etc.
This is also what I would love to do too. Having the experience of going all over the world will be very interesting. There will so many culture for me to mix up with and experience what life is like with them. Also, I would have a taste of many different food.
Like most, I would really like to get to the USA because after all the movies, I just want to see these landscapes live, but not to live there, but it is very difficult to get a visa there for my country. Therefore, I would also like to visit African countries, because I think getting a visa there will not be a problem
African countries need to make it very difficult for their visa to be issued to anyone who wants to come over to their countries. It should be very difficult for one to get their visa the same way it is for you to be issued USA visa. No country should be allowed to lord themselves over others.
I would like to visit Cambodia some day, I very much want to see the Angkor Wat temple complex. I also like to visit China some day, I am very much impressed with Chinese monuments like Imperial Palace, terracotta Soldiers, Great Wall, etc. I also have a desire to visit Greece, I want to seen the ruins of ancient monuments.
African countries need to make it very difficult for their visa to be issued to anyone who wants to come over to their countries. It should be very difficult for one to get their visa the same way it is for you to be issued USA visa. No country should be allowed to lord themselves over others.
In my opinion, it will not be profitable for them. In fact, not many people travel there, and if they introduce a visa, they may lose a large number of tourists. Of course, this is unfair compared to other large and popular countries, but in my opinion it is more profitable for them to attract tourists without visas
The Maldives 🇲🇻 would be where I would love to visit next in my life. There is another guy whom I used to work on his forum that went there last year for his vacation. It was very beautiful place to visit in South Asia, situated on an archipelago in the Arabian Sea. It's on my bucket list already.
The Maldives 🇲🇻 would be where I would love to visit next in my life. There is another guy whom I used to work on his forum that went there last year for his vacation. It was very beautiful place to visit in South Asia, situated on an archipelago in the Arabian Sea. It's on my bucket list already.
Yes, but it is just a resort island where real life is not the same as for vacationers, the rivers are very polluted and the population lives poorer and the architecture there is not the best
Yes, but it is just a resort island where real life is not the same as for vacationers, the rivers are very polluted and the population lives poorer and the architecture there is not the best
From what I saw during the guys vacation in The Maldives, everything looked so good. You're right about the island part and all it's water, they looked awesome. I don't care what others say about the country, I have already made up my mind on visiting there at least once in my life.
When it comes to countries i would like to visit, there are so many countries on the list that I can't even begin to mention them right now. But before I start visiting countries, there are so many states in my country I am yet to visit. I would like to do that first.
If I had the money I would visit Japan, I have always been fascinated with the Japanese culture and the architect of their buildings. It would be a dream vacation for sure. Maybe one day I will have the money to go, who knows.
If I had the money I would visit Japan, I have always been fascinated with the Japanese culture and the architect of their buildings. It would be a dream vacation for sure. Maybe one day I will have the money to go, who knows.
Once after the movie Tokyo Drift, I also lost the desire to visit this country, but I am afraid to do it because when I see photos from their cities, I am simply horrified by the number of signs and information and I just think that I would get lost there myself
I only really wish to visit just a few countries but Spain tops that list for me. I have watched documentaries about how beautiful the cities of Madrid is and how historical Catalonia stands, and I would really love to see these cities. And maybe, visit Qatar and learn how they became a global tourist destination in just few years.