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Can't go a day without?


Off The Mark

Sep 24, 2023
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Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?

Dog Please GIF by MOODMAN
Playing Pokemon GO and browsing/posting on forums apparently. Do this every day of my life unless I'm somehow MIA from the computer for the forum portion, though I still do so via my smartphone as well.
Going on my phone. I can’t remember the last day I spent without using my phone.
Music is the obvious answer for me. I would have to say chocolate as well. Not having something sweet just feels weird
Paying my respects at the grave of my beloved cat Mister Ellis.


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I wouldn't be able to stay without using my smartphone in a day. I'm always doing one thing or another.
Sleeping is what I can't go a day without. I'll do everything possible to make sure I sleep when I'm meant to, otherwise I'll not find myself in a good state.
I can't go a day without music.
I love listening to music. Any time of the day, I'll have some music on.
My smartphone is one of the things which I can't go a day without making use of it now. I do so many things on smartphone that if I'm cut off from using it in a day, I wouldn't know what else I can do. I have a lot of payments to make every day and I hardly use cash. My bank application in my smartphone is what I use.
Well, I began working out recently, and I have discovered that it is going to be difficult to go a day without training either indoors or at the gym. I do my best to do this training because it has been of immense help to my general wellbeing.
Sleeping is what I can't go a day without. I'll do everything possible to make sure I sleep when I'm meant to, otherwise I'll not find myself in a good state.
Sleeping is a big necessity in life. No human being can go a day without sleeping and feel okay the next day. It's possible for a human being to skip sleeping for a day or two days but he or she will feel serious effects of not sleeping in the upcoming days. It's why sleeping is as important as feeding every day.
I think I can't go a day without internet. Almost everything I do throughout the day requires internet. Whether it's playing games, watching movies, series, browsing forums or working, without internet, I won't be able to do even one of them.
Checking social media videos, especially on Facebook and Youtube. I watch vdeos on social media for entertainment, information, and also education. I have been using social media videos to learn for a long time. I have larnbed so many thjings from social media videos. If you follow good content creator, you will be fed with good content.
I think for me it should be my smartphone. I don't think I can go a day without it. I have so many things I do with it, especially when it comes to making money. So I always ensure my phone is well charged.
My phone. I do not use it much but not having it by my side feels bad. Am I addicted, bad question in 2024 :D
I can't go a day without taking at least a pack of biscuits. It is this special craving that I have been having for biscuits since I was a kid. It used to be excessive before but I have limited it it to just a pack a day and that costs less than 10 cents.
You are lucky. It is good to have bad habits like that. It is healthy and harmless, good in any diet and not costly.

For most people it will be some addiction.
A day cannot pass without checking my phone because it has become an integral party of my life