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Can excessive gaming impact one's social life?



Mar 16, 2024
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I'm not an heavy gamer, never been. But there are a lot of people who wouldn't mind spending all day on their computers or devices playing online games.
These people don't care what goes on in the outside world, for them, their game is their world.
What negative impact do you think this gaming addiction can have on their social life?
Yes I believe it can, I have seen people who go into gambling and end up withdrawing from the society simply because they have lost all they have to gambling.
Yes I believe it can, I have seen people who go into gambling and end up withdrawing from the society simply because they have lost all they have to gambling.
That's sad, and if care is not taken some of these ones can fall into depression and eventually commit suicide.
There have been lots of cases like that. They end up selling all their properties, borrowing and falling into debt. Then the only solution they would think of is suicide.
There have been lots of cases like that. They end up selling all their properties, borrowing and falling into debt. Then the only solution they would think of is suicide.
They had it coming. Why do you think it is always emphasized to bet responsibly? But those ones won't listen.
Haha, the funny thing about all these is that even the betting company has given them a little advice to bet responsible but they won't
Haha, the funny thing about all these is that even the betting company has given them a little advice to bet responsible but they won't
It is just like tobacco company warning that smokers are liable to die young. But people still smoke. So no matter the warning betting companies dish out, people will still gamble!
This way, no one would be able to sue them cause they where warmed before going into it.
This way, no one would be able to sue them cause they where warmed before going into it.
Of course, no one forced the gamblers to engage in gambling without applying sense. Any loss they suffer is mainly their responsibility to carry.
Yes, it affects social life. I see my son these days, as we have allowed him to play mobile games, so he spends most of his time on his mobile phone. He doesn't care if someone is sitting nearby to talk to him.
Yes, it affects social life. I see my son these days, as we have allowed him to play mobile games, so he spends most of his time on his mobile phone. He doesn't care if someone is sitting nearby to talk to him.
That is not a good thing for him. Maybe you should help him strike a balance between mobile games and his social life.
Yes, it affects social life. I see my son these days, as we have allowed him to play mobile games, so he spends most of his time on his mobile phone. He doesn't care if someone is sitting nearby to talk to him.
You could try engaging him with other activities though, am sure that would help a lot.
I have been trying it and have been able to manage but still I have to make him more disciplined and let him get rid of this habit.
Just keep up whatever you are doing to discipline, with time am sure you will get the desired result.
I have been trying it and have been able to manage but still I have to make him more disciplined and let him get rid of this habit.
Don't make him quit gaming altogether, thy will only aggravate the issue, instead let him understand that such things have limits.
Yes and setting these limits yourself will be of great help cause he might not understand.
Yes and setting these limits yourself will be of great help cause he might not understand.
I've already started notting down some points that I will put to use whenever I have children. They are allowed to play video games, but not excessively.
Yes, you could have a game night for them maybe during the weekends and it would be for limited time.
Yes, you could have a game night for them maybe during the weekends and it would be for limited time.
Good suggestion. Can't afford to have their social life suffering because of too much games .
Yes that way there would be a balance, and since they grow up in that method, it will stick with them.