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Bath or shower?

I do both of them. It depends on my mood at the moment and also if I have the time to bath or time to shower.
The weather have been very hot today. As I did not go to work, I have been taking short sessions of showers. This have helped to keep my body temperature down. I don't like feeling hot, it's why I have doing that since morning. I will soon take a long cold bath.
In my opinion, the bath does not always have an advantage in the summer, because if it is very hot outside, then you want to cool down and do not want to wait for a big bath to be filled with cold water, and then you do not need to lie in that water for half an hour, so it is better to just pour it on yourself in 5 minutes water from the shower
I know for certain that when you soak yourself in the bathtub for a while, it is going to help and cool down every part of your body better than just having to shower with the sprinkler. It is how hot you feel inside the is going to determine if using the bathing option or the showering option to cool yourself down.
I prefer shower, I love it when the water runs down my head, especially after coming back from a very stressful day or when the day is extremely hot.
Showers because they are so convenient, you're in and out.
I don't like baths. Long showers for me, 30+ minutes.
Wow, it would be very difficult for me because after a hard day I want to lie down and relax, but standing for 30 minutes in one place and taking a shower would not be pleasant for me and I would even get even more tired
I don't like baths. Long showers for me, 30+ minutes.
On a very hot day, having water from the shower drip from my head to the other parts of my body can be very relaxing and comforting. I only do baths when the weather is so cold and I need to warm myself up with mildly hot water.
Wow, it would be very difficult for me because after a hard day I want to lie down and relax, but standing for 30 minutes in one place and taking a shower would not be pleasant for me and I would even get even more tired

I'll lay down when I get out of the shower. I like to push myself.
I prefer to take showers. I haven’t taken baths since I was a youngin. Long showers are the best.
I have to go with showers as my preference. Showers feel more invigorating and energizing to me. With a bath, it's relaxing for sure, but I sometimes find myself getting a bit too hot and pruney after soaking for too long.
I would really like a bath because I definitely wouldn't save money on it because it's a pleasure to lie in a hot bath for at least half an hour, but I only have a shower and I can't enjoy it
I like shower as I feel cool by having it

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