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Debate Abortion


Off The Mark

Oct 6, 2023
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What are your thoughts on abortion? Should it be legal or illegal? Are you pro-life or pro-choice?
I don’t think it’s as simple as pro life or pro choice if the woman was raped she shouldn’t have to carry the baby but also abortion is not birth control either. I think this subject is complicated and not black and white
I don’t think it’s as simple as pro life or pro choice if the woman was raped she shouldn’t have to carry the baby but also abortion is not birth control either. I think this subject is complicated and not black and white
I agree. I am pro-life but rape is an exception. In that case, I am pro-choice - you should not be forced to carry a child.
I'm 100% pro choice, it's up to the person carrying the fetus if they want to get a abortion or not. The government should have no say whatsoever how anyone lives their lives, and these anti-abortion laws are more harmful than good. Yes it takes more than one person to make a baby, but at the end of the day the person carrying the fetus has to deal with the health complications and even possibly death from giving birth so ultimately it should be up to them if they want to keep the fetus or not. I also want to remind others that trans men can have babies, so this issue doesn't directly affect women since trans men are men and have a say in this too.
Abortion is a contentious issue with contrasting perspectives. Some advocate for legal access, prioritizing a woman's autonomy (pro-choice), while others emphasize protecting life, calling for restrictions (pro-life). The debate revolves around differing beliefs and values. Personally, I feel the mother should decide whether to keep the baby or not and no one else.
What are your thoughts on abortion? Should it be legal or illegal? Are you pro-life or pro-choice?

Abortion is never cool as far as I am concerned. Unless it is done in a situation where it is a life-threatening situation, I can clearly understand that. Asking to legalise abortion will mean that the death rate will go higher because not a lot of women that go for the abortion will be lucky to survive it at all.
In some countries, women could never have children outside the relationship of marriage. It is due to religious background so the woman is forced to go for an abortion otherwise their family could commit a crime and kill her because it is a shame for them.
I am an absolute pro choice. I believe no one should be allowed to burden himself or herself with a child that he or she is not ready for. It is better at the initial stages, when it is just an embryo, you terminate it than bring a baby to life to come and suffer.
I believe that abortion should not be tolerated. Even a life as small as an embryo is still a life, removing it is basically the same as commiting murder. So no matter how many countries legalize it, I think it is cruel and inhumane.
I leave that decision up to women and whatever they decide is what it should be.
I leave that decision up to women and whatever they decide is what it should be.
That's a good decision. They own their bodies. I don't believe any woman should be coerced to abort a baby. My younger cousin has been given an ultimatum by her partner either to abort or leave the relationship because he doesn't want the baby. I feel it is not right because it is what he should have prevented from the inception.
That's a good decision. They own their bodies. I don't believe any woman should be coerced to abort a baby. My younger cousin has been given an ultimatum by her partner either to abort or leave the relationship because he doesn't want the baby. I feel it is not right because it is what he should have prevented from the inception.
Nobody should be forced to remove a baby no matter what. If your cousin's partner really loves her, he would not put her in harm's way by insisting she abort the baby.
I do not have anything against Aabortion but I believe abortion should be the last option. I mean you can easily control unwanted pregnancy. Even when you have unprotected sex, you can use pills within 12 hours to stop pregnancy.
Personally I don't think abortion should be legalized. Though a lot of people would say the child has not formed in a boy or girl in the womb, so removing it then is not killing, I personally do not see it this way. I see abortion as killing.
I do not have anything against Aabortion but I believe abortion should be the last option. I mean you can easily control unwanted pregnancy. Even when you have unprotected sex, you can use pills within 12 hours to stop pregnancy.
There are two layers of safety nets that people intentionally bypass to get to the stage of abortion. You have the option of using a condom, and then the after pills. But they ignore all of this to go through the pains of abortion.
There are two layers of safety nets that people intentionally bypass to get to the stage of abortion. You have the option of using a condom, and then the after pills. But they ignore all of this to go through the pains of abortion.
It makes me wonder what was actually going through someone's mind when they want to have an abortion. I mean you know were not ready to have a baby but you did not use protection? What did you think was going to happen?
Abortion can be legal for married couples even a life is at stake and abortion can be illegal for single parents. It will look appropriate if people in relationship prevent conception by using pills or condom to avoid going through the pains of abortion.