Discussion Hub

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Search results

  1. culguy256

    Movies Last movie you saw in cinema?

    The last movie I saw was Wish, the new Disney movie. And I was both pleasantly surprised and pretty disappointed. The songs are also universally good, if different than expected. There's a certain rolling, syncopated cadence during a lot of the songs uncommon in Disney musicals that really...
  2. culguy256

    Do you like Lemon tea?

    Yes, I like it. There are so many benefits of lemon water. As you might have observed so many people start their day with lemon water than coffee and tea. The scientist has researched it and found so many advantages for your health.
  3. culguy256

    Do you drink water before or after or between meal?

    I would recommend drinking water half an hour after any meal . This would speed up digestion . Normally food stays 2 hours in the stomach . Max breaking down of food takes place in the first thirty minutes . Water drunk after about 30 minutes aids in thinning the food which improves absorption...
  4. culguy256

    How many cups of tea do you drink daily?

    One cup of black coffeee without sugar in the morning. One cup of matcha green tea- again no sugar in the afternoon. I don’t drink coffee in the afternoon as it messes with my circadian rhythm. But more than 5 cups of coffee each day is not recommended as it is a diuretic and robs body of...
  5. culguy256

    Favorite food

    My most favorite food is Pizza and Beer. I just love this combo. I especially love the masala cheese pizza. The cheder one. Oh I just love pizza. Im kinda foodie.
  6. culguy256

    What did you have for dinner today?

    Today have Chapati with green grams (mung bean). It is Indian unleavened flat bread but it's pretty common in my country. It's commonly known in India as Roti or roshi.
  7. culguy256

    What's the funniest thing your pet has done?

    I have a ten year old Cojack who does the weirdest and funniest things. When he walks outside, he does a hop, skip and a jump rather than walking ‘normally.’ I’ve had people shout after me: “Excuse me, I think your dog’s limping” to which I explain: “Oh, it’s just his walk!” One observer...
  8. culguy256

    What is your most preferred thing to do in your 'me' time?

    To me reading is the default activity for ANY free time I have. I usually have to be bullied into doing other things by my family. My wife worries about my health so she takes me for walks (woof!), but I have to admit that left to my own devices I’ll be curled up in my comfy spot with a book and...
  9. culguy256

    When was the last time you travelled and where to?

    The last time I traveled was last year during the summer vacation. My family and I went to Pokhara for two weeks. During our trip to pokhara, we explored various places, experienced the rich culture, tried different foods, and visited historical sites. It was a memorable experience for all of us.
  10. culguy256

    Do you like to walk around the supermarket for a long time even if you don't need to buy anything anymore?

    Yes, it's OK, you have no obligation to make a purchase. If that was the case, would anyone ever step foot in a car dealership?- everyone would leave with a car, and the commissioned sales staff would be rich.
  11. culguy256

    Hello everyone

    Hello everyone. I am new to this forum hope I can get good friends and get help when needed. thanks