Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

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    Debate Religion

    I am a Christian. I believe in the existence of God. What I don't believe is the fact that God took our brains from us and told our pastors to think for us. I reverence God but question unethical doctrines wholly.
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    Debate Smoking

    I am among the lucky few people that have never smoked. People tell me it is because I am a lady but I know so many ladies that drink and smoke like mad. I think my upbringing contributed so much to how I am today.
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    What do you look at when buying smartphones?

    As a lady, I think it is a default setting that we would make a good camera a priority when choosing a smartphone because I love taking pictures. After a good camera, it is a good RAM size that I check out.
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    Music Are you a fan of Country music?

    Country must is really something special and it has it's own special vibes. There are certain moods that I switch into playing some good country music. Even though it is not first choice, I still live it.
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    How to build leadership quality?

    You first of all need to have the disposition if being highly selfless to be a leader. You must be able to marry people of different cultures, backgrounds and beliefs to have a common ground.
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    How much should you spend on a first date?

    Whether I am the one sponsoring the date or the person I am going on a did with is bankrolling it, I don't think a date should be more than $10. And that's a really expensive date for me. Dates are not supposed to be expensive.
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    What's the most expensive thing you've purchased this year?

    The most expensive thing I have bought this year is a ring light for my TikTok videos. I got it for $40. Quite expensive given my financial level but I have no regrets because it has been very useful to me.
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    How many siblings do you have?

    I have just a younger brother. We are very close and hardly a week passes without me seeing him. He is like a small baby to me. I don't wish I had more siblings because my brother is a complete complimentary personality to mine.
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    How often do you admit you were wrong in an argument?

    I have learned to be very objective when it comes to misunderstanding and conflicts. When it is clear that I am on the wrong side, I quickly apologize to because I can't stand a place with risen tensions.
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    Do you remember the mobile numbers of your loved ones and friends?

    I have the numbers of my uncle and my younger brother memorized. I think those are the only two people I might need when I need sudden help. We have an unwritten family code that not for any reason should one's phone stay off on case of an emergency.
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    Debate Once a cheater always a cheater?

    I have learned not to write off anyone with just the first or second mistakes. I don't believe that once a cheat, a person would always remain a cheat. It is only when chances are misused severally that I write people off.