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  1. cmoneyspinner

    Forum Music Forums

    I am watching a Korean drama about a photographer who takes pictures for ghosts. There was a cute scene in one of the episodes where a popular K-pop group made a cameo appearance. It's a girl group called Aespa. I know K-pop is very popular. But to be honest I don't keep up. I know about...
  2. cmoneyspinner

    Debate Death penalty

    I don't have a problem with the death penalty. As long as there is indisputable evidence and proof that the one going to the electric chair is the one who really committed the crime. Sadly, in the United States, many cases have been overturned because of a miscarriage of justice. For this...
  3. cmoneyspinner

    What is the Internet of Things (IoT)

    I've heard of the Internet of Things and quite frankly I don't really like it. I don't like the idea of having all of my devices connected. It feels like my privacy is being invaded. My son showed me that he could use his phone to access my Fire TV. I did not like that. It annoyed me he...
  4. cmoneyspinner

    What makes a compelling movie protagonist?

    I like a protagonist who has been through a lot of difficulties in their life but still became a decent human being. Here is an example, for contrast: One guy killed a man when he learned that his father was not his real father. He thought that father was trying to kick him out! It was not...
  5. cmoneyspinner

    What is your favorite food?

    Tropical fruit. Mango, pineapple, kiwi, etc. It's my favorite healthy food. My favorite guilty pleasure is cheesecake, chocolate, and ice cream. My favorite ice cream is Pralines-n-cream.
  6. cmoneyspinner

    Will Trent

    I always watch Korean dramas because I found a blogger who will pay me to write reviews. When not watching K-dramas, I indulge in British TV – mystery or comedy. There are a lot of platforms that stream the content free with ads, like Tubi TV.
  7. cmoneyspinner

    Debate France to send troops to Ukraine.

    Dad gummit! What is wrong with American news? I heard nothing about the French sending troops to Ukraine. The last report I heard was that ISIS extremists attacked a theater in Moscow and Putin pointed his finger at Ukraine. Why? Evidently, after the terrorists had committed a massacre they...
  8. cmoneyspinner

    Debate How accurate is history?

    Never mind about the historical accuracy. This is just the usual reaction from most people. The aggressor is NEVER the victim. If you're minding your business, celebrating a holiday with family and friends, and somebody starts shooting … whoever got shot AT is the victim. As the shooter you...
  9. cmoneyspinner

    How many computers do you have in your family and how many do you have personally?

    There are seven computers in our house. Most of them are laptops. I have a laptop, a secondhand device that my daughter gave me. Also, there is a computer downstairs that anybody in the family can use.
  10. cmoneyspinner

    Have you ever been bitten by a dog?

    No. I've never been bitten by a dog. I was always too fast for them. LOL. One of my aunts had a poodle she would bring with her whenever she visited our home. As soon as I saw that dog, I took off running. The dog would always chase me but never caught me. LOL.
  11. cmoneyspinner

    Cmoneyspinner in the room!

    Hi! Happy to be here. Invited by a friend. Hope you find me worthy. LOL.