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  1. Debashis

    What is your favourite food?

    This is a very difficult question to answer for someone like me who is a foodie. I love a lot of foods. But still if I have to say only one name, I would say Chicken Biriyani. It's one of the best Indian dishes one can ever have.
  2. Debashis

    Do you have any health issues?

    No, fortunately I don't have any health issues because I am always very cautious about the things I eat and the environment I'm in. I always wear a mask whenever I step out and I eat stuff that are either cooked at home are from highly rated restaurants.
  3. Debashis

    Did you ever have a nickname?

    Yeah. In my place, every person has two names - one nickname and one formal/official/real name that is used in all identity documents. So yeah I have a nickname. Usually, family members keep that nickname and only they are the ones who call you by that name unless anyone else knows.
  4. Debashis

    Favorite Breakfast Meal?

    There's this North Indian dish called Chole Bhature. That is my favorite thing to have for breakfast. It's very yummy. You all must try at least once if you haven't yet.im sure you'll love it. :)
  5. Debashis


    Losing my loved ones is the only fear I have. Apart from that, I don't fear anything, not even death. Because death is something that when it has to happen, it will happen. No one can stop it from happening.
  6. Debashis

    Are you able to wake up without an alarm?

    If there's something very important on the coming day, I won't need an alarm to wake me up. My subconscious mind keeps waking me up after every few hours just to check whether it's time already. Otherwise, I mostly need an alarm to wake up on time.
  7. Debashis

    Can't go a day without?

    I think I can't go a day without internet. Almost everything I do throughout the day requires internet. Whether it's playing games, watching movies, series, browsing forums or working, without internet, I won't be able to do even one of them.
  8. Debashis

    Can you sleep without a blanket?

    I can never sleep without a blanket lol. No matter what weather it is, I need a blanket or a thinner sheet of cloth on my body for me to sleep. Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep at all.
  9. Debashis

    What's the longest you've been ill?

    I think the longest I've been sick was for 2 weeks when I had high fever during my childhood once when I was studying in 3rd grade if I'm not wrong. I was admitted to the hospital and was there for about 3 weeks.
  10. Debashis

    Bath or shower?

    I prefer to take a shower always as it's more convenient and is an easier way to freshen up washing away all the dirt we collect while working throughout the day. It literally makes me feel fresh.
  11. Debashis

    What are your hobbies?

    I love to listen to music, watch movies and TV series, play games on my smartphone as well as on my laptop, and browse forums. These hobbies help me stay relaxed and chilled throughout the day or at the end of the day which has not been a good one.
  12. Debashis

    How many people have broken your trust?

    I don't think much people have broken my trust because I don't easily trust anyone at the first place. Even if I do trust someone, I keep a backup plan ready just in case the person betrays me or doesn't meet my expectations.
  13. Debashis

    What usually gives you nightmare when sleeping at night?

    I sometimes have nightmares even now whenever I watch a horror movie before sleeping. I struggle a lot to sleep during those nights lol. I feel like someone is there beside me or in front of my face or under the bed too sometimes. 🥶
  14. Debashis

    What do you usually do during weekends?

    During weekends, I usually wake up late in the morning, do my laundry, watch movies/series, play games, post in forums and talk with friends and family, order some good food for both lunch and dinner and have a good sleep again.
  15. Debashis

    What is life without…?

    Same here. Music has been a very important part of my life too. I listen to music everyday no matter how busy I am. It helps me elevate my mood and keep myself cheerful and motivated whenever I feel low.
  16. Debashis

    How many books do you normally read monthly or yearly?

    I'm someone who is not much into books but I've started this habit of reading for 5 pages a day. I've been doing it since October of last year if I'm not wrong. I remember I had started with a book that I finished after 1.5 months. Probably, thats my rate.
  17. Debashis

    How long do you charge your smartphone everyday?

    I charge my phone once a day. I wait for the battery to come down to less than 15%. Once it's there, I charge it upto 100%. It takes about 2 hours for my phone to get fully charged.
  18. Debashis

    How do you like taking pictures?

    I prefer taking selfies either clicked by me or buy a friend in the frame. I also like planned snapshots. I don't like candids. I feel I have to be ready before clicking a photo for it to be a good one, hehe.
  19. Debashis

    What did you last eat/drink?

    The last thing I had was white rice, dal and brinjal curry. That was my dinner. I don't like brinjal though but since I don't cook, I didn't have a choice but to eat whatever was available in PG today.
  20. Debashis

    How Are You Feeling Today?

    It was a tiring day but I am feeling good right now because I came back from work early (as I had went early today), took a nice shower and have been chilling since then.