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Would You Belive I used to Hate chocolates during childhood?



Mar 23, 2024
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Yes, I was like that and used to hate and it was quite weird actually LOL as most kids used to love chocolates but thankfully I started to enjoy these while I entered my teens and now I enjoy these a lot.
Lol I have a niece who also hates chocolate and anything with that flavor, though at the moment she does not completely like it, but she can eat a little quantity compared to the first time she completely hated it.
I used to try chocolates even upon knowing that I cannot have it as I felt I was allergic to it LOL but it was my taste buds so overtime I developed taste for these and now I can have these anytime
Really? Mostly kids love chocolate. Good then your teeth will also be safe from cavities.
Its weird but true and not sure what made me interested in chocolates again and maybe it was the switch in taste buds
Really? Mostly kids love chocolate. Good then your teeth will also be safe from cavities.
I do take chocolates but I am not a huge fan of it, which means if there are other options, I we definitely go for them.
I am not surprised with it because I also never liked chocolates from childhood because of it's bitter taste. I never like chocolate cakes, icecream and other things which are made of chocolates.
I am not surprised with it because I also never liked chocolates from childhood because of it's bitter taste. I never like chocolate cakes, icecream and other things which are made of chocolates.
It taste bitter? Which means you don't also like chocolate tea?
I am not surprised with it because I also never liked chocolates from childhood because of it's bitter taste. I never like chocolate cakes, icecream and other things which are made of chocolates.
Same pinch then, I used to also feel bad because my friends and siblings used to love it and I used to hate it
Same pinch then, I used to also feel bad because my friends and siblings used to love it and I used to hate it

My kids are also like me; maybe because of the genes, they also don't like chocolate. I have seen kids craving chocolate, but my kids never asked for chocolate. They never eat them, even though they get them as a gift from their school.
My kids are also like me; maybe because of the genes, they also don't like chocolate. I have seen kids craving chocolate, but my kids never asked for chocolate. They never eat them, even though they get them as a gift from their school.
That's understandable but for me, things changed after I got major and now I do like to have chocolates
Maybe the quality of the chocolates also matters. Cadbury diary milk chocolate is the popular brand here, but I never liked it. KitKat is fine for me. Even the "gems" are good in taste. But I never like chocolate cakes and pastries.
I used to think that I could not have black/brown chocolates so I tried white chocolates but even these did not worked for me during my childhood
How is this possible because I see everyone loving chocolates not aware of anyone that does not like
How is this possible because I see everyone loving chocolates not aware of anyone that does not like

I am the one who doesn't like chocolates. I don't like the bitter taste of chocolates. I don't eat anything in which chocolate is used.
Nice to meet you sir. I also don't like anything that is bitter but chocolates are sweet so I don't have any problem
I don't know I feel the taste of chocolates to be bitter. I don't like chocolate cakes too. They don't taste good for me.
It's a normal thing to hate a particular thing while growing up. My sister's boy don't like beverages but now that he's a teen, we can't keep beverages and it will last because he will make sure to finish them within some weeks.