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What is your favorite way to create blogs?



Oct 30, 2023
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You can create blogs through different methods. You can use free blogging platforms like wordpress or blogger. You can use free blogging sites like Medium and vocal, or create a blog on your self hosted website and installing content management system like wordpress or Drupal. While self hosted blog requires you money for a domain and hosting, free blogging sites and free blogging platforms are absolutely free to use. What is your favorite method?
I once tried to do this using bloggers, but it was not so effective because it is very difficult to stand out among other authors and at that time I did not have the funds to create my own website

They are not the best, but I feel good SEO and offers enough to survive at zero cost. If you need a managed platform, WordPress.com serves you well.
For blogging, I prefer using the WordPress platform. While there's an initial learning curve, WordPress offers excellent flexibility and customization options. I love how easy it is to tweak the appearance with different themes and plugins. The built-in SEO tools are super helpful as well.
I use WordPress CMS for creating the blog and it is user-friendly.
I have never created blogs before and I have never actually thought about doing so.
It is hard to pick a CMS these days. There are so many of them. WordPress remains my favourite.
I don't own blogs but I have read that self hosted blogs are good. Maybe you don't have to share the revenue you generate on the blogs.
Self hosted means, you have to set it up, maintain etc. You will have to pay a fee for domain and hosting.
I'm currently using a self-managed WordPress installation for my blog. I enjoy the freedom I have customizing various aspects of it and the support that is out there for it.

I've tried out other platforms such as Ghost, but I found it easier to get what I wanted out of WordPress.


They are not the best, but I feel good SEO and offers enough to survive at zero cost. If you need a managed platform, WordPress.com serves you well.

I haven't used WordPress.com. How has it been for you so far?
Actually I am good enough on those aspects but I once give a try by using WordPress and I really enjoy using it and for me it's my favorite.