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What can you do with the water melon seeds?



Apr 30, 2024
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Everyone likes water melon but have you thought what should we do with its seeds. Should we throw them away?

Here are some of the tips how can we use them:

Mix with oil, salt, and spices, and bake for a nutritious, crunchy snack. To grow in your garden the next season, save your seeds in an airtight container. This nutty butter tastes excellent in smoothies or on toast, just like peanut butter does. Make a paste out of the seeds to use as a soothing mask for your skin or as a nourishing ingredient in hair care products. To add a nutty flavor and crisp texture to salads, sprinkle toasted seeds over them. To make oil from seeds for cosmetics, food, or natural medicine, extract the oil.Traditional medicine has used watermelon seeds to treat a variety of conditions, including edema and kidney problems. Feed squirrels and birds seeds. To create soil that is rich in nutrients, add seeds to your compost pile.

Do you use these seeds or throw them?
I normally throw them aware, though are times I have eaten a few while I eat the water melon, I heard some people usually roast the seeds to make snacks. I have never tried it myself though.
These seeds and seeds of Musk melon are quite useful and in old times people used to keep these at home, clean and get sun dried
We still do that. They are also considered to be dry fruits and are used in making sweets at home, especially the seeds of muskmelon, which are washed, cleaned, and dried, then peeled and stored in a cold place and used as per the quantity.
We don't do that now. It's a lot of hard work 🤣 and my wife doesn't like to do that since she doesn't even like cooking.
You can do that if your wife doesn't like it.😅. Yes it takes lots of hard work to do that but when you buy it from the market, they are very expensive to buy. Today only I have bought it for making dishes on the occassion of Janmashtami.
I am more lazy than her. Most of our relatives say that your match was made at heaven because most of our habits match 🤣 which includes no interest in cooking
I am not interested in cooking and wife too but she cooks to feed ourself. She even finds out new and unique dishes from YouTube.
Yes mine is like this too. Could be the generation after our moms is like this where most females are not interested in cooking
She cooks because she knows food is important for our survival; otherwise, she won't even enter the kitchen. I don't like to buy food from outside, so she has a compulsion. We live in a world where people like to eat outside food even after knowing that it's not good for their health.
I know that's why having a caring wife is so important. Mine is caring and she does everything for me
That's great. We should have such a spouse in order to have a happy life. You should be thankful to God for it.
I am always thankful to God because even if she hates a thing she does it for me. She even started to watch cricket because of me
Oh I mean she did not like watching cricket before the marriage? That's good that she changed her preferences because of you.
She never watched it but she's so caring that she started to like now because I always watch cricket even if it's not an India match
That's good. My father-in-law was also crazy about cricket and due to his hobby , my mother-in-law also started watching matches to an extent that after the death of my Father-in-law she still watches all the matches of India.
These females are always making sacrifices for us men. That's why I rate them high always