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Laziness and love of potatoes



May 18, 2024
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What a funny thing it is to set out to achieve a specific goal and then be lazy about that goal because of two french fries
Potatoes are not good for the health at all. It causes obesity and diabetic disease. Most doctors recommend to avoid using it.
Haha I can totally relate with that, though not with potatoes. The simple truth is that we need to be a lot more disciplined if we really want to achieve anything.
Laziness in life is a drawback and a hindrance to the sucess. Those who are lazy always remain behind in any sphere of life, than others. It's important that we complete our target before the deadlines and don't be lazy.
Yes I completely agree with that, anyone who is lazy would not be able to achieve anything in life.
People know this, but still, they don't leave their habit of being lazy and procrastinating. I also fall into this category and am trying to change this habit as I have lost many valuable things in my life. I know it is difficult but not impossible.

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