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Is Netflix Most Popular In Your Country?



Mar 23, 2024
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Netflix was mostly popular in the US and other countries a few years ago and when it entered the Indian market, it was expected to do well but to my surprise, it wasn't able to get hold of the Indian market and was almost planning to pack its bags until they start seeing success in the content made especially for Indian users and that made them realize that they need to provide Indian content to Indian users to be successful here and this is what they are doing now and are quite successful already.
As a streaming service, it is not at all popular in my country. Our services are mostly popular because they are much cheaper and understandable for the user. I don't think that Netflix will leave our market, but I think they will review the policy because now they are trying very actively to advertise their service, but the result of this is zero
They did terrible when they entered the Indian market and I was thinking they won't be able to adjust but they did and now they are doing really well in India
Netflix took some time to adapt to the Indian market. Their starting was not very smooth for Indian market. But now they have one of the largest market here in India. They have adapted well to the Indian viewer's taste and many of their new shows are coming up that target the Indian audience.
I still don't have Netflix and not interested in any web series but when I develop my interest then I'll subscribe.
No it's not the most popular streaming service in my country because most of the people here in Nigeria are not familiar with the service only few are using it but I suggest in the upcoming years it will be most popular in the country
Netflix has been here in the Philippines many years ago. My sister subscribed and my other siblings too. I just hitched when the actor portrayed is Jackie Chan. My family watches only during their free time in the evening while I do monitoring my staff in the mall.
For many years, I tried not to have Netflix subscription. I was getting all the mixed feedback about it. And we felt that Amazon prime and few others were enough. But then my elder daughter was adamant to have it as she wanted to watch some good Kdrama there. We took it. In our monthly subscription, we can watch at one screen. She is far in another state. And we share the password with her. We are making full use of ths subscription.
Netflix is popular here as well, we have so many people who have it on their phones and even smart tv. I don't use it though, I prefer downloading my own movie if i want to watch..
Yes, they are quite a popular platform globally and despite all the other competitors including the local ones, they have thrived well. They were not widely accepted here in India when they started their journey, but now India has their hugest consumer population. They have a huge market here. It seems that they are coming up with promoting more of local languages and cultures.
Netflix has been increasingly in popularity of late especially in my country Kenya. Most people are really enjoying the netflix services here. Most people wouldn't Manage the setlite dish monthly subscriptions for that matter.
Recently I read a news about Netflix expanding it's business in India and widening it's horizon to include more local flavours of entertainment. Bollywood, Tolly wood, Sandalwood, Kollywood, are some well known movie and entertainment industries from India. Some parts of India don't get that recognition. Netflix is extending itself to North east and other parts and bring entertainment in their language and culture. They are going to tap the potential of diverse India for their business. That does sound good
I like this move of Netflix and this way they are doing almost similar thing that Amazon prime is doing from ages
I like this move of Netflix and this way they are doing almost similar thing that Amazon prime is doing from ages
I don't see shows or movies on Amazon Prime that feature lesser known language and culture of India. Their shows are in the popular languages like Tamil, Telugu etc. Are there shows featuring North eastern states? I would love to see them
I don't see shows or movies on Amazon Prime that feature lesser known language and culture of India. Their shows are in the popular languages like Tamil, Telugu etc. Are there shows featuring North eastern states? I would love to see them
For me l haven't seen so much people being involved on the Netflix in my country. It's not popular yet
For me l haven't seen so much people being involved on the Netflix in my country. It's not popular yet
Let's wait and see. They might pick up the popularity in some time as they did in India after their slow run in the beginning. They are good at adapting to the local taste of entertainment and attract the viewers.
I don't see shows or movies on Amazon Prime that feature lesser known language and culture of India. Their shows are in the popular languages like Tamil, Telugu etc. Are there shows featuring North eastern states? I would love to see them
I never noticed that because I am not a fan of movies and TV shows or web series and just subscribed for shopping
I mostly look for Punjabi content and able to find that easily and then there is chaupal app too for Punjabi and other north Indian shows and series
I never noticed that because I am not a fan of movies and TV shows or web series and just subscribed for shopping
I keep browsing on Amazon and Netflix every weekend to see what all are available for watching. I have not seen them either. I read in the newspaper lately that Netflix has come with this proposal and it's anticipating to add more local flavours in the entertainment and also getting more viewership.
I'm sure they'll add more to it and if you are looking for a specific content then you should search for it and you may find something related to it or at least videos on Facebook