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News Iranian president reported dead in an helicopter crash



Mar 16, 2024
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All passengers aboard the presidential helicopter in Iran have tragically perished, confirmed the head of the Iranian Red Crescent Society

Preliminary reports indicate that the helicopter crashed into a mountain. Among those onboard were President Raisi, Foreign Minister Hosein Amir Abdollahian, Governor of Iran's East Azerbaijan Province Malik Rahmeti, and Ayatollah of Tabriz Province Ali Hashim.

The Iranian government has declared a 5 days mourning for the president.
This is to remind you that life is fleeting.
This is an old news. It was sad that he accidently lost his life.
That's a pity, in a matter of time am sure they will be able to put everything in order and get someone who can lead the nation.
That is one death that was highly celebrated. I have never seen that much people rejoice because someone has died. I hope Iran would move forward from here and not get stuck again.
May he and his companions rest in peace. It was so very sorrowful news for the entire country Hoping there was no foul play.