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If you could choose any animal as pet



Mar 4, 2024
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There are certain animals we can't really choose as pets such as lions and the likes. Though there have been some cases where some persons have these wild animals as pets, but the risk is always there. In a situation where you could choose any animal as pet without any risk, what animal would you choose?
I have never been a pet person so i might likely not choose anyone.
I would love a cockatoo! Those birds are beautiful and adorned with colorful feathers. They are also a bit chatty and lively. Having one or two around will be exciting!
Sounds really nice though, I have never seen one, so it would be nice to actually see one.
I would like to have a donkey as a pet because I think they are very cute. They are also very hardworking animals, so I think they would inspire me if they lived even in my house.
I would like to have a horse as a pet and would like to do horse riding daily. Yes, the wild animals are dangerous and cannot be kept as a pet but still people keep them taking risk for themselves and for others.
If I could choose a pet I will choose cat as my favorite pet because he is easy to adapt and very interesting to live
@Ronin between a horse and a donkey, which would you consider to be more hard working. Having a horse as a pet would definitely be nice and fun @Sanjeev
Donkey ofcourse is a hardworking animal. We often call a person donkey if he/she is hardworking but not getting the results worth it
Donkey ofcourse is a hardworking animal. We often call a person donkey if he/she is hardworking but not getting the results worth it
Yea that's true, or Carmel they have very strong endurance especially when it comes to movement.
My first choice for pets would be dog followed by cow. These two are my most favourite and I find them very adorable. I grew up with them as pets and till 2014 , I always had a dog. I didn't have any pet since then.
I will choose the dog as my favorite because it has a lot of potentials and it also as a serve as a security purpose and many other potentials