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Gaming and Mental Health


Active Contributor

Mar 24, 2024
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There's growing awareness of the impact of gaming on mental health, both positive and negative. While excessive gaming can lead to issues like addiction and social isolation, gaming can also provide stress relief, social connection, and cognitive stimulation. How do you think the gaming community and industry can promote healthy gaming habits? What are some ways that games can positively contribute to mental well-being?
I think gaming community should focus more on creating awareness. There are a lot of young gamers out there today who do not know the dangers of gaming too much. I have seen people who use games as a way to reduce stress but overtime they get addicted to it to the point were they use games to try and escape reality.
I think that video games if played with control, can even be good for mental health as they can release stress and make you disconnect from your problems for a while, but if you overdo it it can be counterproductive for mental health.
For me, games have only a positive effect because I am always distracted from my thoughts. I'm just having fun I only do what seems fun to me and I never play for rank or anything like that
The gaming community and developers should emphasize moderation and make an effort to destigmatize taking breaks. Games could include reminders to stand up and step away periodically. Multiplayer titles could incentivize logging off after reasonable sessions. Ideally, games would avoid manipulative tactics designed for compulsive overplaying. Ultimately, games can contribute to well-being by serving as an enjoyable escape and creative outlet when enjoyed in a balanced way.

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